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McCulloch vs. Maryland

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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McCulloch v. Maryland

Photo by steakpinball

The first Supreme Court that settled a dispute between the national and state law.

Photo by Rusty Russ

Was originally between James McCulloch and the state of Maryland.

Photo by Domiriel

Because McCulloch refused to pay extra taxes (implemented by the State) on notes issued from banks that were not chartered by the State legislature.

Photo by aresauburn™

This was mainly aimed at the Second Bank of the United States branch in Baltimore.

Photo by marcp_dmoz

McCulloch (the bank's cashier) purposefully issued notes on which no tax had been paid.

Photo by Caza_No_7

The State ruled against McCulloch and then the case was taken to the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court unanimously reversed the Maryland courts.

It held that the Constitution did not need to expressly empower Congress to create a bank. It basically enforced the creation of the bank as an implied power.

Photo by Gamma Man

This case helped the United States establish the powers of Congress and develop the constitutional system.

Photo by theqspeaks