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Farahbi farhad
Photo by Jinx!

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  • Meals are alright when you eat together with family and friends. Some people like to eat grand meals in fancy restaurants while others opt for a gathering at their home.

However I think that’s overrated. I mean, why should we eat actual food when we can eat a large bag of chips instead? Who needs proper nutrition, am I right?

Photo by Earthworm

Yes, I understand nutrition is sometimes necessary, and I admit I eat regular food sometimes, but we need to stop just eating anything and everything, you know?

I strongly suggest you strive for a better and healthier diet by acting on the advice, “tastier means better”. Who cares that an eight ounce bag of potato chips has 79 grams of fat in it? It tastes better. The McDonald's Big Mac is about 33 grams of fat, but hey, it’s good right?

A human body requires fat in their diet anyway. Maybe not as much as a Big Mac with large fries and a large sprite, but it’s okay. According to me, it is proven by science that ‘junk food’ is healthier for you than those bags of carrots. The better it tastes, the better it is for your body.

Another tip for pushing for a healthier mind and body is by knowing what is in what we eat. For example, food dyes are made from petroleum distillates (a common solvent used to remove heavy oil, grease, tar and waxes), is in many of the foods we eat today.

More specifically, a food dye like Red 40 which is in foods like spicy Cheetos, Skittles, and Doritos, has been banned in several countries like Denmark, France, Germany, and Switzerland because of it’s dangerous properties.

Yes, Red 40 sounds a little menacing, but it’s okay because you can’t even taste it in there! It’s completely okay you’re putting a solvent capable of stripping wax from a car in your body.

Photo by h080

Don’t get me started on processed meat and fast food. It doesn't matter what others tell you. If you want to eat that Big Mac doped up on chemicals to keep it preserved in the freezer for prolonged periods of time, you do it.

Photo by Max Crowe

Processed food does produce a higher risk of getting cancer, but isn’t that a small price to pay for great food? They say eating 50 grams of processed food a day (less than two slices of bacon) increases the risk by about… 18 percent. It’s chill though because 18 percent isn’t even a passing grade.

Photo by Dave77459

Who needs veggies anyway?
Vitamin C, Calcium, Vitamin A and Iron are just a hoax made by the Australian government.

Photo by szeke

What I’m trying to say is eating healthy is unnecessary. Instead of focusing time on maintaining the one and only body we have, we should eat whatever we want, even if it is terrible and killing us faster.

Photo by micagoto

So I say go get that Quarter Pounder and large fries with the biggest size of a drink you can possible get from McDonald’s

Food is just for your tastebuds anyway.

Photo by jenny downing