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Measure (weight)

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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The history of Weight

By Proud 5Gb

What is weight ?
Weight is a weight of things or a person that is measure on a scale and other weight measures too.

This picture shows about a Pharaoh watching his weight containers. Measuring things were made in Ancient Egypt but soon it was improved by the technologies.

An example of a famous scale in ancient times

Here is an example of a scale that was used by Celt chieftain Brennus around 390 B.C. when he captured Rome.

Interesting facts about measures

1) A Mile on the ocean and on land are not the same distance. On the ocean, a Mile is known as a nautical Mile and measures 6,080 ft. On land is called statute Mile is 5,280 feet.

2) The word "mass" came from a
Greek word "maza" and the meaning is "lump of dough."