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media influence

Published on Feb 13, 2020

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media influence

Photo by William Iven

lab study - exposed Finnish children to violent and non violent films

 children mimicked the behaviour and learnt aggressive behaviour
Photo by iyoupapa

Anderson - Mortal Kombat in comparison to golf

 aggressive behaviour increased after playing Mortal Kombat than golf
Photo by kevin dooley

longitudinal study - Huesman - 557 children and checked their aggression levels 15 years later -

  exposure to film violence - found that the children were more aggressive
Photo by Alejo Reinoso

Metanalysis - Bushman - 432 studies

 264 = aggression in children, 168= aggression in adults -  correlation between being aggressive when you are younger as well as older 


Issues of Longitudinal studies - time periods can change

1Heusman's study may be  - what may be seen as aggressive in one time period can change over tim


 we don't know how reliable other studies are, how controlled their variables were, time consuming
Photo by h4cks

Anderson's Mortal Combat

 giving evidence for FAH - Frustration aggressive hypothesis - frustration not aggression from losing

studies are reductionist

  neglecting other factors e.g. genetic factors, hormonal and neural, mental health