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Slide Notes

I first coined the metaphor when I did my research into the skills, behaviours, attitudes and strengths of effective mediators in 2003. The quality of attention, being in the moment, and simply listening were common skills to both activities. You can find a summary of the research on my web site http://amandabucklow.co.uk/publications/Research-Findings3

Mediation Is Like Photography

Published on Nov 18, 2015

The skills of a mediator are like those of a photographer.



I first coined the metaphor when I did my research into the skills, behaviours, attitudes and strengths of effective mediators in 2003. The quality of attention, being in the moment, and simply listening were common skills to both activities. You can find a summary of the research on my web site http://amandabucklow.co.uk/publications/Research-Findings3


Our vision plays tricks on us. To avoid the loss of information we have to consciously open our eyes and allow information to be absorbed. It is the intention of trying to see more which dictates the quality of the information: that might be detail or it might be the bigger picture. It is the judgment of the 'seer' that matters here.


A frame makes a difference to the way the content of the picture is presented and understood. Photographers might use a subtle frame or we might make the frame part of the story. A mediator choses the frame of reference, most often the language, which makes understanding the content more accessible to the party.
Photo by kevin dooley

Crop and edit

The way an image is cropped changes the focus of attention. The mediator must help the parties and their advisers edit the information so that the focus is clearly on what will move the process on and get them to where they want to be.
Photo by butler.corey


A mediator is constantly judging: not the people or their qualities but the type of intervention that will be most helpful to the people at that particular time. That relates to lenses - a zoom lens for bringing the future closer, a macro lens for detail, A wide-angled lens for a timeline or including more information. Others for depth of field or changing the aperture to let more light onto the subject. The similarities are endless.


Again the mediator's judgment is important in deciding where to throw the light. Often it is on the 'money' but not always. We should never assume it is only ever about money since in research people value respect, fairness, intention and indeed revenge and vindication more than money! We should never assume anything about anyone or anything...
Photo by Bunshee

Untitled Slide

Never assume the facts are indeed facts. In this image the boy looks frightened and there is a scary shadow overpowering him. It would be easy to assume that he was frightened of the figure. The 'fact' is that is the friendly figure of an aid worker.


Black and white photography is dramatic. Black and white positions are equally dramatic. In this shot we see only half the face = half the story. If we adjust the contrast then there will be more detail and a broader picture.
Photo by jrmllvr


Turn up and pay attention! If that is all a mediator does then they will make progress with the people they have in the room. To be able to capture the moment, take an opportunity, we must be vigilant about what is going on an 'listening to understand and not to reply.'
Photo by Clint Hamada


A spectacular shot of a micro moment in time. Who knows how long the photographer had to wait for this? It doesn't really matter because all we remember is that the timing was perfect.
Photo by .sandhu


Sometimes the result is unexpected. Sometimes it can look a little strange. It can be a hard climb.
Photo by Roger Soh


Elephants never forget. We will have done a good job if we have brought people closer to understanding and that they should not forget the humanity in each other.
Photo by gin_able