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Medieval Fashion

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Kings Fashion
King Louis IX of France (1214-1270) he wore a camel's-hair coat, a surcoat of linsey-woolsey without sleeves, a black silk cloak without a hood, and lastly a hat trimmed with peacocks' feathers
Their is another description of the Kings' fashion
Louis IX has his hair short, wearing a red velvet cap, a tunic, and over this a cloak opened at the chest, and it has long sleeves, which have a slit up the sleeves for the arms to go through the cloak or the surcoat is trimmed with ermine in front, and has the appearance of we call a fur shawl.
Medieval kings Fur
There are many different types of furs or they called them skins that they wore King John of France( 1319-64) had no fewer than 600 and 70 martens' were used.
They also wore massive belts made out of gold the luxury of being a king was being able to wear jewelry like gold, silver, pearls, and precious stones.

Knights Armor
The knights under- armor consist of a linen under-shirt and under-pants
Foot armor was the first things the knights put on and the wore Sabatons which were made out of iron plates greves- parts that covered the ankles
Poleyns- covered the knees Cuisses- covered the thighs Spurs- which were attached to the bottom of the feet to spur the horse.
Arm and hand Besagues- they are small round shields to defend the armpit. Rerebrace- to defend the upper arm Vambrace- defend the lower arm Hand Armor- they were called Gauntlets and they were gloves with metal plates over the fingers
Body armor consist of a Brest plate, backplate, and Faulds which protected the hips and waist
Neck and head armor there was a visor that protected the face and eyes and a helmet which were called a Bascient which protected the head and the neck.

Photo by Dunechaser

Nobles fashion
The nobles tend to were nicer clothes because they could afford it. They wore a surcoat which it was common for both sexes but, the women wore it more it could of been mad with or without sleeves the surcoat was made like a robe but, later on it was cut higher above the hips.
The women and men wore a lot of the same things during this time like jewelry, head dresses, and a lot of the same designed clothing like coats and shirts also wearing pants and other things meant the were a little wealthier than other nobles

Photo by Claudio.Ar

Peasants fashion
The peasants tend to keep it simple because they were poor and could not afford very nice clothing the women wear a blouse of cloth or skin fastened by a leather belt around the waist and wore large shoes the men wore trousers and a shirt with large shoes too.

Photo by josefnovak33