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Meditation: What - Why - How

Published on Nov 20, 2015

Definition and practice




  • Introducing myself
  • What is meditation
  • Why meditate?
  • How to practice?
  • Time - Length - Posture
  • Meditation in action
  • Body awareness
  • Conclusion


Joanne Rollier

I came to realise
the presence
of suffering & agitation
in the world
& in myself

I search for ways to relieve suffering
& find relaxation

Photo by Ian Sane

I study in India & receive a diploma
in Yoga education

I discover
the existence
of a deeper & peaceful dimension innate in all beings

Since 2006,
I give group & private classes. I also teach employees at work and privately in homes.

Meditation & its practices

are part of the Yogic curriculum

Yoga's physical & breathing practices

  • bring awareness away from the mind & into the body
  • prepare the body to sit comfortably in meditation

What is meditation?

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Meditation is...

  • State of peace
  • Means to live by this state

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Why meditate?

to meet some highly specific goal?

Are you searching for ways
Photo by OneEighteen

Some of your goals may involve

  • Stress & pain relief
  • Joy of being
  • Mental clarity
  • Vibrant health
  • Being peaceful
  • Feeling whole


What is preventing you from realising your goal?

Identification with mind


  • generates thoughts
  • constantly active
  • keeps past experience alive
  • projects in the futur
  • misperceives the present

As we identify

with the mind

Compulsive thinking

Purpose of meditation

Free yourself from the chatter of the mind

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Purpose of meditation

Being present in the step that you are taking at this moment

How to Practice


  • Observation
  • Concentration
  • Introspection
  • Contemplation
  • Receptivity

Attentive listening

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Channelled attention

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Body awareness


Reading sacred texts


Photo by Herr Olsen

To adress the knower

who dwells behind the thinker

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Ask a question

watch and listen

What is going on
Inside of me at this moment?

Gazzing at...

State of no mind

Absorbed in oneness

Allowing to be

Giving space

to what is present

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Natural State

is obscured by the mind but not destroyed by it


& length of your practice

Time is Now

to meditate

Setting a time

for the practice

when you are unoccupied

for a few minutes

Mind is alert
Body is fresh

Before falling asleep

Length of practice

Start with 10 to15 minutes


Most comfortable for you

Sitting cross legged

Sitting chair

Lying supine

Standing meditation

Eyes closed or semi-closed


in simple actions

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Body awareness

portal to presence

While you choose a way of practice

  • Focusing
  • Observing
  • Introspecting
  • Contemplating
  • Being receptive

...and your posture

  • Sitting
  • Standing
  • Lying

in action or stillness

Feel your body sensations and energy

Photo by jenny downing

The body leads you into the presence of your being

Inner body awareness gives you access
to your peaceful & natural state


Whatever goal you have,
stay connected to what is happening now in the presence of your body
(thoughts - emotions - feelings - sensations)

As you practice,
a deeper sense of self will shine through

Photo by pasotraspaso

Out of which the next step is taken

Thank You

for your presence

I offer free guided
relaxation audios