Mental Wellness, A Holistic Approach

Published on Jan 28, 2017

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Mental Wellness: A Holistic Approach
Patricia Baglione

"A growing body of evidence is now showing that, indeed, persons with an enduring mental illness are at much greater risk than the general population for developing certain physical health problems, most notably cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity. This is the reason "why, compared with the general population, people with severe mental illness lose 25-30 years of normal life expectancy."(Malliori, 2010)

"A growing body of evidence is now showing that, indeed, persons with an enduring mental illness are at much greater risk than the general population for developing certain physical health problems, most notably
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity. This is the reason
why, compared with the general population, people with severe mental illness lose 25-30 years of normal life expectancy."(Malliori, 2010)

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Holistic Healing Precepts

  • Working with medical, family, friends & spiritual support networks can reveal the best treatment plan for an individual.
  • A symptom is a clue, not the problem itself . Treating the symptom may only mask the true problem.
  • "All people have innate healing powers." (David Kiefer, 2015)
Photo by michaelroper

As part of a Holistic approach to Mental Wellness, it is important to take the time to "feed the soul." When we say spiritual, we do not necessarily mean "go to church on Sunday." Many people have a spiritual aspect to them and believe in some form of a higher power within or outside of themselves. (Koslander, Barbosa da Silva, & Roxberg, 2009, pp. 34-35)

In Behavioral Health there is an ongoing movement towards considering the client as a whole, not just their clinical diagnosis. When we take the time to analyze what other physical and spiritual difficulties they may be having; we find that they may contribute to the decline in their well-being. When we say spiritual, we do not necessarily mean "go to church on Sunday." Many people have a spiritual aspect to them and believe in some form of a higher power within or outside of themselves. (Koslander, Barbosa da Silva, & Roxberg, 2009, pp. 34-35)

"When we are attuned to our pets we practice the skills that we need to use when we are in our intimate, familial and work relationships." (Pommells, 2013)

"Dogs can increase our emotional development and enhance our EQ (Emotional Intelligence) tremendously. Surprisingly, dogs can bring the "human" element back into so many of our experiences. When we are attuned to our pets we practice the skills that we need to use when we are in our intimate, familial and work relationships." (Pommells, 2013)

The Goal of Holistic Healing in Mental Health is to assist the person in overall recovery. By integrating the many tools and engaging the client in their own treatment plan goals, we hope to increase the rate of survival and quality of life in those with co-occurring disorders.

Works Cited

  • David Kiefer, M. (2015, May 1). What Is Holistic Medicine? WebMD. Retrieved 1 27, 2017, from
  • Koslander, T., Barbosa da Silva, A., & Roxberg, Å. (2009, January 24). Existential and spiritual needs in mental health, an ethical and holistic perspective. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 27(1), 34-42. doi:10.1177/0898010108323302

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