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Mercator Projection

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Mercator Projection

  • Created in 1569, it was used to navigate and map the equatorial regions.
  • A disadvantage is that areas of large land masses especially by the poles are very distorted.
  • This map is very good for distance and navigation especially for sailing.
Photo by WonderWhy7439

Hammer Projection

  • This map give you a good representation of size of all land masses.
  • However, it is not good for travel because their are many distortions between land masses that would not allow you to travel in a perfectly straight line except on the equator and prime meridian.
  • It is mainly used to show size and compare size between continents.

Goode Projection

  • This map projection shows what the actual shape and size of earth is.
  • But, it is hard to read and is confusing if you try to use it for travel and navigating.
  • This projection is used to view the actual size and compare the sizes of countries and continents.

Peters Projection

  • This projection gives less powerful countries their correct proportions.
  • This map does look a little awkward and is not good for travel because some of the lines would be a little distorted because they are flat.
  • this map is good for seeing the relative size of continents.

Robinson Projection

  • This projection is my favorite because it gives each land mass that would have been distorted in the mercator projection a little bit more fairness and it kind of scales down Greenland and Russias size.
  • This map is good for Refrence and location and it is the iconic map that can be seen in most classrooms
  • This map does a poor job at giving each country its exact land mass but it does better than the mercator Projeciton