Merrimac, renamed the Virginia, was a major Confederate naval warship in the beginning of the Civil War. Under the command of Capt. Franklin Buchanan, the Virginia (Merrimac) steered through Portsmouth damaging and sinking the Cumberland and the Congress (other ships) with very little damage to herself. But on March 8, 1862, the Virginia, now under command of Captain Lt. Catesby Jones, rose against an unusual competitor...
The Monitor was an ironclad, Naval warship of the Union built by John Erricson. Under the control of Lt. John L. Worden, the Monitor underwent a four-hour duel against the Merrimac, it's Confederate opponent in 1862. This battle marked a revolution in naval history.
In April, the Merrimack requested a second battle against the Monitor, but the Monitor declined. The Monitor later foundered and sank in Cape Hatteras in December of 1862.
In May of 1862, the Confederates were forced to abandon Norfolk. Capt. Josiah Tattnall struggled to get Merrimack up the James River. Capt. Tattnall, unfortunately, had to destroy the ship and sink it.