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MesoAmerican Civilizations

Published on May 11, 2016

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MesoAmerican Civilizations

By: Pedro Rodriguez

Inca Empire

Photo by Jorge Lascar

How long did the Inca Society last

  • The Inca Empire lasted almost 100 years.

Who was at the Top & Bottom

  • At the top of the Inca society was the Sapa Inca or (supreme leader
  • At the bottom of the social ladder were all the Incas who were not related by blood to the Sapa Inca.

Religious Life

  • The Incas were polytheistic
  • They worshiped many gods
  • The Incas also had many complex ceremonies and rituals


  • Inti was the Incas Numero Uno
  • As the sun god, it was believed, he brought warmth and protected them.

Spanish Conquest of the Incas

  • Francisco Pizarro led the conquest in 1532
  • 168 Spaniards



  • The indigenous language primarily spoken in the Andes
  • Inca Empire main language
  • About 8 million people still speck Quechua

Mayan Empire

Photo by Jarvemc

Mayan gods

  • Hunab Ku (creator god)
  • Cizin (death god)
  • Chac (rain god)
  • Itzamma (aged god)
  • Hun Hunahpu (maize god)
  • Kin (sun god)

Mayan gods cont...

  • Ik (wind & hurricane god)
  • Ixhel (goddess of fertility and love)
  • Kawil (god of rulers)
  • Jaguar gods (underworld)
  • Ek Chauh (merchants)
  • Pauahtun (4 gods who hold up sky)
  • Hun Bat & Hun Chuen (scribes)

What Caused the Collapse

  • Over-Population
  • Extensive Warfare
  • Revolt of the farmer/laborer class
  • A Natural Disaster


  • The Mayan calender marked the movement of the Sun, Moon and Venus

Reading & Writing

  • Writing was important because by writing about victory and a king's communication with the gods, scribes helped the king keep power.

Reading & Writing

  • In war, scribes were either killed or had the fatty tissue on their fingers cut off.
  • Sometimes after war a change in writing style is noticed which could mean a new scribe had been hired.

Aztec Empire

Photo by Skies for me

Aztec Calendar

  • Made of basalt (hardened lava)
  • The calendar showed a Sun god and sacrifices. The pictures also included days on when to sacrafice
  • 18 months in year
  • Each month 20 days long

Conquest of the Aztecs

  • Hernan Cortes led the conquest of the Aztec Empire in 1519

Aztec gods

  • Huitzilopochtli (patron god of aztecs)
  • Tlaloc (rain god)
  • Tonatuih (sun god)
  • Tezcatlipoca (god of the night) (sometimes evil)
  • Chalchiuhtlicue (goddess of water and aquatic things)

Social Ladder

  • Aztec society divided into 3 classes
  • 1. Nobles
  • 2. Commoners
  • 3. Slaves


  • The Aztecs spoke in a language called Nahuatl


  • To the Aztecs education was very important.
  • Both children (girls and boys) of nobility and the commoners received education from a young age.
  • Teachers were greatly admired


  • Boys- Military training, agriculture, & other trades
  • Girls- Family formation, and trades that would help them ensure the welfare of their future homes.


  • The Incas, Mayas, and Aztecs were very similar.
  • They had many gods
  • A similar social ladder
  • They valued education very much


  • Unlike the Incas and Aztecs who were conquered by Spanish Conquistadors, the Mayan's downfall is still a mystery


  • In conclusion, these MesoAmerica Giants set the standard for good living. There societies were ahead of there time and the findings show it.