create more positive feedback and equity in the workplace to create job motivation and job effectiveness.
implemented by creating a monthly performance review meetings
managers will sit down with Peter and the other employees and create attainable goals together for each month, and then at the end of each month, the manager and employees will have a follow-up meetings where managers will give positive feedback to their employees regarding their efforts at achieving his/ her goals based on hard data.
Achieved goals will be rewarded on a continual basis with intrinsic and extrinsic rewards.
outcome: employees feel more motivated to work hard and learn how to regulate their work efforts more efficiently.
Brooke- Another issue in Peter’s workplace is that his position lacks equity.
As joseph explained before Peter is forced to work every weekend,
We created a solution to resolve the issues that come from this situation.... we plan to implement an employee rotational schedule to allocate the weekend hours to more than just one individual.
RESULTS: employees will share the responsibility of working weekends. We expect the outcome to be that more unity will be created between the employees because with a rotational schedule Peter won’t feel like he is taking on all the unwanted work, which will help eliminate the hostile environment that the office has. Peter has built up animosity towards other employees who do not get assigned to work on the weekends or assign him to work weekends so this will reduce Peter’s animosity as well, resulting in a better work environment for everyone.