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Published on Jan 06, 2016

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By: Kayla, Charles, Zachary, and Anna-Victoria

Kayla's lesson!
The most ideal location for a microorganism is in warm, humid places. Did you know? Any type of bacteria can survive after being frozen?! An understanding of microorganisms is that washing your hands wash the microorganisms away.

Anna-Victoria's lesson
Microorganisms help by eating decaying matter. It changes the bread dough because the yeast activates and the bread rises and expands. The milk is lumpy and taste sour because the microorganisms ate the sugar and made it sour and go bad.

Charles' Lesson

Cilia are microscopic hairs on microorganisms that are basically the microbes brains. The cilia tells the microorganism where to go.

There are motile and non-motile cilia. Motile cilia make them move naturally. Non-motile cilia will science where they need to be. We know what tells them where to go but how do they move?

Well they move by flagella. Flagella is whip-like and it acts as a motor. It rotates,then it propels the microbe.

Zachary's lesson
There are many things microorganisms like to eat. Microorganism food would be things like water, blue-green bacteria, plankton, plants, beer, yeast, decayed food, people, other microorganisms.