The duke of York gave some of the land to his friends.(lord Berkeley, sir George carteret.
It was a proprietary colony. & fertile farmland a wealth of other sources that attracted people from many lands.
Became a royal colony , which is a colony under direct control of the English crown.
Colony charter protected religious freedom and rights of an assembly that voted on local matters.
Settlers came from Finland, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, and Sweden. / New England colonist hoping to find better farmland chose to relocate to New Jersey.
In the middle colonies they raised rye, wheat and barley.
Wheat barley and rye were cash crops sold for money in the market.
Exported so much grain they became known as the bread-basket colonies
Farmers in the middle colonies raised hearts of cattle and pigs.
Landowners hired workers to help with the planting, harvesting, and other tasks/ settlers in Delaware river valley profited from the region's rich deposits of iron ore