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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Names of Chemical:

  • Chemichal name- Lactose
  • Common name- Milk Sugar
  • Brand names- Nielson, Dairyland,


Photo by Alexeisol


  • Discoverd - there is no exact date recorded because milk has been used since prehistoric times
  • How-People would ahve observed animals suckling, and realised that animals produced milk just like human women do. And it would not take much working out to realise that a large animal like a cow or goat might produce milk that could be drunk by humans as well.
  • Who- all we know is that a person discoverd it, there are no names How long has it been around- 7,500 years ago in a region between the central Balkans and central Europe.
Photo by TC Morgan

How its used- it can be used to drink, as an ingreadiant for food or drinks,milk baths,soured milk can be used as polish, repair china, sooth dry skin, a stain removal and many other ways

Photo by atomicshark


Milk is a very important source of energy, high quality-protein, and calcium. Humans need milk (dairy products), the calcium in milk is also really good for bones. The impact milk has had on humanity is very big, milk is used across the world. milk is put in food and drinks and everyday someone discovers a new way to use milk

Photo by @Doug88888

Female animals produce milk to raise their young. People do to, but only females. Milk provides all the nutrients the baby needs to survive. Milk helped humans survive the ice age, Milk is very valuable to many living things.

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Calcium phosphate is the form of calcium found in milk and blood.

Photo by faria!

Casein: Commonly found in milk. its 80% of cow the proteins in cow milk, and 20-40% in human milk.

A sugar from glactose and glucose thats found in MILK. but is only 2-8% of milk

Physical status-About 87% of milk is water, in which the other constituents are distributed in various forms. We distinguish among several kinds of distribution according to the type and size of particle present in the liquid.

Photo by MIT-Libraries


Photo by PKMousie

1)Rendering plants take dead animals and turn those corpses into tallow. Around half of that fat is added into animal feed. So when Bessie starts chowing on her daily dose of grain, she’s probably eating her cousin.

Photo by Claudio.Ar

2)The next time you buy a jug of milk, you might want to thank Lou Reed. According to a 2001 study by researchers at the University of Leicester, the Lou Reed song “Perfect Day” puts cows in the mood to make milk.Songs with less than 100 beats per minute can increase milk production by 3 percent. Scientists think these magic melodies relax the animals, letting them produce milk in higher quantities.

Photo by markhillary

3)You know how men and women are very different? Well as babies boys and girls receive different types of milk.

Photo by Jim Belford


Photo by @notnixon

1)Milk contains

9 essential nutrients and

vitamins: protein, vitamins

A, D, and B12, calcium,

potassium, phosphorus,

riboflavin, niacin, zinc, and


Photo by cwwycoff1

2)Studies show that dairy

foods, when consumed

with a healthy diet, can

reduce the risk of


and obesity

Photo by miez!

3)Milk in boxes has the same

great taste of milk found in

the dairy case in other

container types.

Photo by beije


Photo by *MarS

1)There is an old Russian custom of dumping a live frog in a bucket of milk to keep the milk fresh.

Photo by AMagill

2) if you drink a lot of milk there is a higher chance of acne

Photo by haglundc

3)A few years ago New Zealands government passed a retail law which prevented supermarkets from selling "ordinary" milk, in an attempt to protect local corner shops and home- delivery services.

Photo by rvaphotodude