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Mining Industry

By Floria Takos & Evie Starakis 8A
Photo by cobalt123

The History

  • First started with the discovery of silver and copper in SA in the 1840's
  • First Gold Rush started in 1851
  • Second Gold Rush occurred in 1893
  • Lead and zinc was discovered in 1883


  • At the mine site where they extract the ore
  • Sites where they process the ore to produce metal
  • Sites where they convert the metal into other products

International challenges/competitions

  • Australia exports most of the materials that are made here
  • Australia has to compete with competitors trying to sell the same thing for a better cost
  • During a boom, selling products is fairly easy but during down turns, it is hard
Photo by sodaro,k

Mining in the future

  • The future looks bright because Australia is efficient, has world class mining operations and has large deposits of a range of mental generating ores.
Photo by Vermin Inc

Pioneers & Leading figures

Photo by VinothChandar

Helping the Australian economy

Photo by vagawi 

Government laws

Photo by smaedli

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