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Ministry to Mixed Heritage Populations

Published on Jan 29, 2018

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HAPA Nation

Ministry to Mixed Heritage Populations


  • means half or part
  • someone of mixed Asian heritage, or
  • mixed-race person of any kind

Do you think of Obama as black or mixed race?

Photo by jamesomalley


  • White - 24%(B) 53%(M)
  • Black - 55%(B) 34%(M)
  • Hispanic - 23%(B) 61(M)
  • All - 27%(Black) 52%(Mixed)
Photo by _mixer_

The Rise of Intermarriage

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Okay with Intermarriage

Intermarriage Trend (%)

Photo by Anne Edgar

Intermarriage Rates, by Race and Ethnicity, 2010

Intermarriage Type, Newly Married Couples in 2010

INtermarriage within U.S.

Regions and states

ReGIONS of INTERMARRIAGE in u.s. (2008-2010)

  • West - 22%
  • South - 14%
  • Northeast - 13%
  • Midwest - 11%


10 years after they married, interracial couples had a 41% of divorce, compared with a 31% of within their race (1995 NSFG)

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  • The most stable interracial marriages are between Whites and Asians
  • The least stable interracial marriages are between whites and blacks

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  • America had a painful history about slavery and discrimination.
  • Today, there is no hiding of one's race. A melting pot becomes mosaic.
  • Mixed-race carries distinctive hues and cultural cachet.


"Multiracial children who wish to embrace all of their heritage should be allowed to do so. They should not be in the position of denying one of their parents to satisfy arbitrary government requirement." (Project Race)

Hispanic identity conundrum

  • They are classified as an ethnic group not a racial group
  • Hispanics are a mix of races, but they all have a connection to Spanish language, culture, and heritage. These are standard makers of ethnicity.
  • Hispanics in the US have many different cultures from Hispanics from other countries.

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  • Will Hispanic Identity marker recede over time?
  • If a quarter of Hispanics continue to marry non-Hispanics, ethnic identity markers will blur over time.

Blacks in obama's america



  • The median income of a black household rose ($24,000→$40,000) However, it is only 59% of white households earn.
  • The black-white income gap widen ($ 19,000, 1960s →$27,000, today).
  • The black unemployment rate has been double that of whites since 1950s


  • 9 in 10 both blacks and whites finish high school
  • bachelor's degree (white : black = 34%:27%)
  • 50 years ago (W:B=10%:4%)
Photo by William Stitt

Family Formation

  • Marriage rate of both blacks and whites is dropped. But, still the difference is Whites : Blacks = 55% : 31 % (18 years +)
  • The share of birth to unmarried women has risen for both group. Still the difference is B:W=72%:29%


  • Black men were six times as likely as white men (2010).
  • It was five time back in 1960.
  • The rate has been increased.

voter turnout

  • Participation rates for blacks in presidential election lagged those of whites except for Barack Obama.
  • Blacks : whites = 67% : 64% (2012)

Life expectancy

  • Has been narrowed from 7 years to 4 years between blacks and whites

Despite racial discrimination, both blacks and whites in their standards of living and core values have grown alike in the past decades (2009).

In spite of two successive Obama's presidency, America's deepest division between black-white did not go away, but has made gap smaller.

The arc of American history is bending toward inclusion. (Dr. King, p106)

Group Questions

  • What are some challenges and blessings of being a mixed race American?
  • How can we help mixed people grow in their ethnic identities?
  • How can we move beyond cultural stereotypes?


Photo by Aaron Burden

1. In Jesus Christ, we are all same, no matter how different we are. Different faces, races, languages, and ethnicities, God created all according to his goodwill and said, “Behold! It is very good! (Gen. 1:31)”

2. People today should learn how to be a family in Christ and live in harmony with different races in Christ like the early church (Acts 2:42-47).

Photo by Aaron Burden

3. God told us to love our neighbor as ourselves (John 13:34-35). Therefore, we should appreciate the differences of diverse people and learn from each other.

Photo by Mr Moss

4. We can emphasize God-given identity and purpose for multiracial people groups.

5. Revelation describes how "every tribe and nation" will worship God together in the future. Therefore, it is our privilege to interact with different races and ethnicities in this world.

"behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches were in their hands; and they cry out with a loud voice, saying, “Salvation to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb" (Revelation 7:9-10).