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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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"The star of the north"
(l 'Etoil du Nord)
It'd was official in1861
One thing I didn't already know about it was that it was a star.

Photo by Eric Fischer

It was official in 1961
One thing I didn't know was that they had red eyes

Photo by Rouftop1

'Hail! Minnesota'
It was official in1945
One thing I didn't know is that it was first composed by Truman Rickard in 1904

It was official in 1858
One thing I didn't know is that the pitcher in the middle was changed a Couple of times

Photo by Sveden

Minnesota's state drink
It was official in1984
One thing I didn't know is that it produces 9.7 billion pounds of milk a year

Minnesota's state flower
The pink and weight lady slipper
It was official in 1902
One thing I didn't Know is that it takes about up to 16 years to develop 1 flower

Minnesota's state fish
The walleye
In was official in 1965
One thing I did not know was that it could way up to 17 pounds 8 ounces

Photo by woody1778a

The Minnesota's state fruit
The honeycrisp apple
It was official in 2006
That it do eloped by the university of Minnesota's apple breeding program

Minnesota's state muffin
The blueberry muffin
It was official in 1988
One thing I did not know was that they grew in bogs and on hillsides

Minnesota's state seal
The great seal of the state of Minnesota
It was official in 1858
One thing I did not know
That it also appears on the flag

Minnesota's state sport
Ice hockey
It was official in 2006
One thing I did not know is that ice hockey was one of the first sports in the world

Minnesota's state tree
Red pine (Norway pine)
It was official in 1953
One thing I did not know that they are aesthetically pleasing

The Minnesota state capital
In was built in1883
Cass Gilbert is the architect
One thing I did not know was that the gold statues represent earth, wind, fire, water, civilization, and prosperity

Photo by TBoard

The end
By:Olivia Dunbar