When you get caught up in the ‘form’ of worship of your accepted deity over the ‘substance’ of the honesty and integrity in your heart, you are not only missing the point of exercising true faith, you are wasting your time in fruitless activities. Pomp and circumstance, endless rituals and over the top piety will NEVER bring you ‘closer’ to God! They are a trap for those who are not willing to give their inner heart in Divine service to others.
Praying in public, meditating in group settings and serving others for the recognition of humankind drives you further away from dedicating your inner heart to being One with the Divine. The more you look for your spirituality or ‘salvation’ from the attention of others, the more you separate yourself from God. It is NOT that you are realistically separated; it is that you have chosen to separate your consciousness from the Divine blessings you already have in private for the public recognition of your presumed piety.
Stop your roller coaster ride or chasing your tail for the recognition and admiration by others. It is a futile attempt to share Divine love; it is more placating your selfish ego! Pray and meditate in private. Share your talents, skills and abilities in Divine service to others secretly without looking over your shoulder to see who is watching. Give Divine love genuinely from your inner heart.
Be at peace with whom and what you were created to be. Understand your Divine purpose and trust completely in how the Divine guides you to be. Live in ongoing joy for living from your inner well-being. Revel in the presence of Divine love everlasting by being honestly grateful within. Drop all of the external accoutrements of demonstrating to yourself AND others just how much of a ‘believer’ you are. All of that doesn’t really matter.
What truly matters is the integrity of love in your heart. Let go of seeking recognition for following the supposed rules and allow Divine grace to move you into complete and utter fulfillment! It is NOT only in what you do to serve others and yourself; it is in how you serve them AND yourself as well!
Be ye therefore perfect in love just as the Spirit of God is perfect in the love that you have been graced with in your life. Be thankful; humble; and full of integrity! ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.