Supportive Model
The supportive model depends on leadership instead of power or money. Through leadership, management provides a climate to help employees grow and accomplish in the interests of the organization the things of which they are capable. The leader assumes that workers are not by nature passive and resistant to organizational needs, but that they are made so by an inadequately supportive climate at work. They will take responsibility, develop a drive to contribute, and improve themselves if management will give them a chance.
Management orientation, therefore, is to support the employee's job performance rather than to simply support employee benefit payments as in the custodial approach.
Since management supports employees in their work, the psychological result is a feeling of participation and task involvement in the organization. Employees may say "we", instead of "they" when referring to their organization.
Employees are more strongly motivated than by earlier models because their status and recognition needs are better met. Thus they have awakened drives for work.