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Mohawk Tribe

Published on Dec 05, 2015

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Mohawk Tribe

  • Bear tribe
  • Wolf tribe
Photo by straatfuchs

The Mohawk Name

  • The name Mohawk came from the Mohawks enemies, which means "man eaters". The Mohawks gave them self a diffrent name which is Kanienkehaka, which means "people of the flint" .
Photo by peterjr1961

General infomaton

  • original population 25,000
  • current population 25,000
  • original location new york
  • reservation location canada
Photo by Jeff Weston

Daily Life

  • Mohawk men jobs were to hunting, trading, and fighting. The men wore breechcloths with leggings and moccasins.
  • Mohawk wemon duties were farming, taking care of the family and all the property and land decisions. Wemen wear wraparound skirts with shorter leggings and moccasins.
Photo by Puzzler4879

Spirital Beliefs

  • For spirital practice in traditional mohawk culture, playing the game of tearanrathony is a way of thanking the creator, who gave them the game , and the gifts of life to all things on Mother Earth.
Photo by a_flash_frame


  • mohawk indaians were farming people ,planted corn ,beans ,and squash harvested wild berries and herbs ,men hunt deer elk ,and fish in rivers.
  • traditional mohawks food is cornbread, soups.
Photo by VinothChandar


  • Mohawks lived in longhouses made out of wood then they used sheets of bark for the rooof and the sides of the wall. Also some tribes the whole tribe would live under one long house.
Photo by michelkalff

Tools the Mohawks Used

  • The Mohawks use bows, spears, and clubs for hunting an fighting.
  • Mohawks use shuvels, picks, and stones to farm.
Photo by Hilde Kari

Mohawks Music

  • The Mohawks have a speacial drum called the water drum the Mohawks fill it will water. The men also play the flutes to to give the song a spirital vibe.
Photo by Texas.713


Untitled Haiku Deck


Untitled Haiku Deck