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Slide Notes

The best $10 amazon purchase that we've ever made. We bought 2 big tubs, tools and paint brushes for Braeden to make whatever his little heart desired.

Molding Creativity

Published on Nov 06, 2015

This is a digital story of Braeden's day of molding and painting muppets. He is 9 years old!


Molding Creativity

Learning From The Kid and His Clay
The best $10 amazon purchase that we've ever made. We bought 2 big tubs, tools and paint brushes for Braeden to make whatever his little heart desired.

Molding Kermit

Tools enable precise parts

Kermit Sitting on a log while singing

It took about an hour for Braeden to mold each piece and assemble

Ready to Be Painted

Actually, this version of kermit will never be painted because after Braeden completed Fozzie and Miss Piggy, he became unhappy with this kermit and is remaking him.

Using his tools to add detail to Miss Piggy's hair

We have no idea how he even knew how to do this other than from what he's learned on youtube!

Molding Detail

I just adore this shot of his clay covered fingers!

Bling Ring for Miss Piggy

Braeden found this one ear ring in the house. I think that it was the perfect find to recycle for one of his creation's.

It's like it was made for Miss Piggy's finger!

Molding Fozzie Bear

Waka! Waka!
Looking at nothing more than an image on his ipad, the journey to create Fozzie Bear began!

This piece gave us all smiles!

From the detail in the fur to the lids of Fozzie's eyes, this piece just screamed joy for the kid!

Insane Detail!

The story here is that Fozzie went out into the wind. He had to hold on to his hat and his ribbon is flowing so hard because there is a great deal of wind!

His words...

'Twas the night before painting...

A morning of mixing colors and painting on wax paper

A Kiss from Piggy!


With a blue glitter dress, sparkly gloves, a kermit necklace, ring and bling watch...Miss Piggy is ready for her night out with her charming frog!

Painting Fozzie Bear

Proud Artist!

Glossed and Ready

Fozzie Bear and Miss Piggy
Both pieces are finished with a layer of gloss to make them shine!

Stay Tuned For More!

Braeden is excited to create other characters and we will definitely share that process too!