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Morphology Unit 10

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Visualize (vis)

Def: Form a mental image of something; imagine

Sentence: George and Fred visualize that an explosion blew up the city.

Photo by ˙Cаvin 〄

Visionary (vis)

Def: A person with original ideas about what the future will or could be like

Sentence: Tommy was a visionary because he thought if laser guns the will or could be in the future.

Photo by Tinkerbots

Auditorium (aud)

Def: the part of a theater, concert hall, or other public building in which the audience sits

Sentence: Ronald look over the auditorium that was clean and polished for tomorrow's play.

Photo by peddhapati

Xylophone (phon)

Def: A musical instrument played by striking a row of wooden bars of different lengths with one or more small wooden or plastic mallets

Sentence: Harry looked over the brand new set of a xylophone waiting to play it at the big performance tonight at 6:30.

Phonograph (phon)

Def: A machine that reproduces sound ( music ) by placing a needle in contact with a grooved rotating disk; a record player

Sentence: Lupin's grandfather had a phonograph when he was a child at Atlanta.

Photo by afagen