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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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The Israelites were slaves in Egypt under the rule of the Pharaoh. They were slaves because the Pharaoh decided that the Israelites were increasing in numbers and in strength.

God talked a guy named Moses from a burning bush and told him to free the Israelites because they were His people.

When Moses told the Pharaoh to let God's people go the Pharaoh said no.

Moses then sent 10 plagues among the Egyptians with the power of God until the Pharaoh let God's people go.

Photo by Philerooski

When God's people left Egypt the Pharaoh changed his mind and sent his people to retrieve the Israelites.

The Egyptians army nearly caught up with the Israelites at the edge of the Sea of Reeds.

Moses had faith in God and he raised his staff in the air and the waters of the sea parted.

The Israelites cross safety to the other side and when the Egyptians tried to follow the waters flooded over the army and they died.

Then after the Israelites were free from Egypt, they wandered around the wilderness for 40 years.

Photo by Justin in SD

In this time, God gave Moses the 10 Commandments.

Photo by Rob Sheridan