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Motives for John Adams as a President

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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John Adams

Photo by kevin dooley

John adams

  • John Adams was the second president
  • His job was a lawyer
  • He was the representative of the continental congress
  • He was the first Vice President
  • He signed the Declaration of Independence
Photo by cliff1066™

Second president

  • He was the first president to live in the White House
  • While he was the president, there was a war between France and the U.S.
  • He made a decision on a conflict with France, known as the Quasi War
  • This was considered to be the most unpopular move
  • This was so unpopular, it was considered to be a reason for his defeat.
Photo by Justin in SD

john adams

  • He served as Vice President because George Washington was first
  • As Vice President, he limited himself to presiding over the Senate
  • He was the first president who belonged to Federalists
  • Federalists were formed when Washington was president
  • They believed in a strong central government
Photo by Great Beyond

John adams

  • Adams was a independent thinker and voted his conscience
  • While he was president, the government moved to Washington D.C.
  • The department of Navy and Marine corps was developed
  • The main threat was the relationship with France, Adams wanted to be safe
  • Congress approved Alien and Sedition Act to silence critics
Photo by Gil Laury

The Alien and Sedition Act gave president the power to arrest and deport any foreigner who were considered to be dangerous.

In 1799, Adams sent peace commissioners to France to reopen negotiations.

He settled the differenced between the two countries at the Convention of 1800 and avoided war.

Photo by Nick Kenrick,


  • He wanted to continue George Washington's thoughts and decisions
  • He wanted to avoid war with France and keep U.S. safe
  • He wanted to keep the United States peaceful and safe
  • He wanted to be a successful 2nd president and 1st Vice President
  • He also wanted to enjoy the time while he is president.
Photo by Werner Kunz