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Motor Neuron Disease

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  • It's a disease that affects the nerves controlling your muscles.
  • MND often begins with the weakness of your hands, then it spreads to your legs, then feet.
Photo by Alina G


  • Spinal cord
  • muscles
  • brain
  • motor control
Photo by EMSL

how does it affect your organs?

  • motor neurone disease can affect your muscles by causing degeneration to occur on your nerves.
  • this leads to you not being able to control your limbs.
Photo by jesse orrico

symptoms of mnd

  • stumbling due to leg muscles
  • Difficulty holding objects caused by weakness of the hand muscles
  • Slurring of speech or swallowing difficulties due to weakness of the tongue and throat muscles
  • Cramps and muscle twitching
Photo by El Bingle

causes for m.n.d

  • causes may include exposure to to toxic chemicals, immune system damage, and premature ageing of motor neurons.
Photo by SanFranAnnie

how to prevent m.n.d

  • unfortunately, we haven't been able to develop a cure as of yet.
  • however, there is a way to manage motor neurone disease.
Photo by uci.research

how to prevent m.n.d (2)

  • Riluzole is a drug approved for use in Australia that temporarily manages the rate of progression of the disease and is available on the Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme.

treating motor neurone disease

  • Medication and therapy can slow M.N.D and reduce discomfort, but there's no cure.