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Moving Backwards

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Photo by AhmadHashim


"I had an IQ test in school today and it's 149+ man that makes me so proud" (Sparks 9).

Jay is a 16 year old boy who lives in Utah. Jay is happy and proud of himself. He feels happy because there is something for him to be proud of and he feels smart. This is one of the few areas he feels proud of himself.
Photo by illuminaut


  • Speech and debate
"More goodness! I was chosen by Mr. Borough to represent our class in the forum speak out." (Sparks 55).

Jay is feeling happy because things keep getting better and better for him. Speech and debate is something he is proud of and is very good at.
Photo by nist6dh

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"A fifteen year old absolute failure and misfit" (Sparks 22).

Jay is upset and involved in drugs. But he is getting help and not depressed yet. He had his first experience with his parents being upset with him because if drugs.

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"Well things are looking up! Yes things may be getting better." (Sparks 118).

Jay is getting involved in school and other activities such as speech and debate and is happy again. Jay is happy with Tina and has a better view on life in general.

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"What a f#%@$# up world. Bought a few reds and a lid jut to keep me together. " (Sparks 152).

Jay is in a very bad part in his life and using drugs to help him get by. He is not happy and thinks that drugs will help him. The drugs just make everything worse because jay is arrested after.

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"Dear world, I don't want to get my hair cut, I don't want to tend to kids, I don't want to be sad or lonely or depressed anymore, Tina it's not your fault. Mom and Dad it's not your fault. I'm not free, I feel ill, and I'm sad and I'm lonely." (Sparks 226).

Life has become to much for Jay to deal with and he has taken away his own life just to get away. He is being harassed by Raul and everything in his life is very stressful for him.

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