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"A goal without a plan is just a wish"
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
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MOXiLife-From Within

Published on Nov 23, 2015

MOXiLife is an endurance athlete's nutrition and personal evaluation platform. Our Goal is to maximize performance and recovery with natural, clean, food based products, while empowering your MOXi with scientific data. We offer online lab tests to evaluate your personal biomarker diagnostics, we provide nutritional consulting, cost effective imaging and a sports therapist for the cognitive edge..



limitless possibilities
"A goal without a plan is just a wish"
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Photo by slagheap

peak  performance internalized

know yourself, biomarkers, be limitless
We see success for you.

Whatever is worth anything involves work, dedication and a bit of sacrifice.
Photo by garryknight

We are closing the NUTRITION METRICs LOOP

and filling the gaps
Ever wondered if you need extra nutrients to make your training more efficient?

We offer analytical services and products to support your nutritional gaps.
We are food first in our beliefs.

However, understanding the soil to table evolution you may have 'subtle' nutrition gaps.

Accumulated nutrition gaps over time may become 'not so subtle',
at which point the body succumbs to injury and long term disease states.

Photo by eschipul

WE  deliver  products and services

nutrition and analytics
The complete internal picture of your body is important for the success for your events, however more so for the quality of life and longevity in the sport.

We offer endurance test services to find the missing nutritional gaps: nutritional evaluation and consulting.
Photo by BriYYZ

Analyze Your biomarkers

understand  your  body  diagnostics

Our biomarker test panels include:
Select individual minerals, electrolyte panels, wellness panels(to get a comprehensive evaluation) hormone panels, & food allergies.
Order tests online and use a convenient local 'draw center'; Quest Diagnostics or LabCorp. Donate your sample and receive your results to your personal account.
Receive a complementary 'overview' of your results or purchase a 30 min nutritional consultation. A health evaluations survey must be completed prior to scheduling your consultation.
Photo by Army Medicine

Tight IT Bands: Quads: hamstrings?

Are you dealing with stiff muscles, sore lower back, tight IT bands, calf cramps, seizing thighs?

Can't hit your watts due to legs seizing?

Excessive salt loss?

Monthly menstrual cycle leaves you in a fetal position?

Hormonal fluctuations?

Did you know that Magnesium helps muscles relax? It is the antagonist of Calcium, which helps muscles contract. Due to the excessive amounts of fortified everything Calcium, we are currently internally imbalanced with these macro minerals.

"Too much of a good thing......."
Photo by jdlasica

Magnesium Statistics:

  • society is 70% deficient
  • Endurance athletes need 20-30%> Mg
  • Critical for electrolyte absorption
  • vital for muscle functions
  • ATP precursor
  • Neurotransmitter
  • Adrenal/hormone support
  • required with Calcium
With Magnesium having a valuable roll in over 300 enzymatic body processes, and the society deficiencies being +70%, we have strong beliefs of the positive effects of this important mineral.

The list of body functions Mg affects is lengthy, and will become the 'new' calcium in terms of importance to the body.

These numbers validate we are working with the mineral with the largest deficiency margin and with the greatest potential for elevated performance, cellular efficiency and replenishment.

One important area for endurance athletes is electrolytes.
Magnesium affects Aldosterone, which is a hormone that triggers the 'thirst' mechanism, hence supporting the electrolyte requirements of the sodium potassium pump.

HypoKalemia, HypoNatremia, Hypernatremia, are conditions related to electrolyte imbalances.
Photo by Peter Mooney


TRAACS®  100% chelated  Magnesium
The first drinkable Magnesium formulated for athletes; pre measured, conveniently packaged, tasty, and clinically proven.

We use TRAACS® magnesium from Albion Minerals.

Tested on athletes, clinically validated to reduce muscle cramps, and well tolerated in the GI.
Photo by me'nthedogs


The Real Amino Acid Chelate system
TRAACS® minerals have the deepest library of research validating the integrity of the molecular structure; as a chelate, as well as the validation of the physiological absorption benefits without the gastrointestinal issues.
Photo by k.mckeown

TRAACS® Are 4 x more  bio -available

reduces   cramps  faster than  mg  Oxide
Clinical studies show the TRAACS® minerals are up to 4x more bioavailable compared to inorganic minerals; Mg Oxide, Mg Sulfate.

Inorganic Magnesium is useful for topical applications, such as baths, lotions/oils.
This benefits body regional sites, i.e. tendons, feet, hamstrings, specific areas of discomfort.

For a whole system benefit, an ingested, absorbable form is the best answer.
Photo by Song_sing

Endurance  Minerals

di peptide  molecules;  amino  acid  activated
The TRAACS® endurance minerals used in our products are unique in structure and FORM.

They are technically called a mineral chelate(Key-Late)

They are attached to amino acids, which carry the minerals into your body more efficiently than if they were minerals unattached to amino acids.

Unattached minerals are otherwise known as inorganic minerals.

Photo by Mal Booth

form  Matters

When  it  comes  to  training  and  ingredients
We know how our coaches preach about our form, whether it is swimming biking or running, this is no different for ingredients in the products we eat.

Fortified foods don't necessarily convert to 'absorbable' fortified foods.

Synthetic vitamins are not recognized in the body the same as natural.

Inorganic minerals require the body to convert them into organic forms requiring energy, and proper intestinal and gut pH.

AMino  Acids  =  building  blocks

to  Faster  performance  and  recovery
Amino acids provide several functions;
they carry the minerals into the body, and they help support cognitive, muscle, enzymatic, and nerve functions.

Providing better cellular structure, peak athletic performance and balanced recovery.

Building blocks for muscles.
Photo by gw225

No pill or capsules

mineral  hydration  with  maximum  tolerance
Increase your hydration and intracellular magnesium without a pill and without gastrointestinal issues.

Magic Bullet?

Absolutely Not...
There are no short cuts and or no magic bullets.

There are only solutions based on evidence which, in most cases, require time and effort.

Your body did not get conditioned 'overnight' or nutrient deficient overnight.

On average it will take a minimum of 3- 4 weeks to see nutrient shifts at 100% RDI (recommended daily Intake).

We want you to have a high quality option to maximize your efficiencies and increase you performance.
Photo by mripp


from Starting with the  soil  ......  
How do deficiencies start.

Our soils are nutrient deficient and mostly only fertilized with Potash, Potassium and Nitrogen.

Crop rotations are limited based on economics and geography.

Fruits and vegetables are harvested early for transportation.

Nutrient degradation occurs as our produce sits in warehouses.

The best option is to buy locally and often, or grow your own garden or supplement with Life Psychle Daily Multivitamin to enhance your clean eating habits.

Complete-multi: Daily

whole food, naturally   absorbed   Multivitamin
Our daily multivitamin provides:

•up to 9 servings of fruits & vegetables
•100% RDI of Vitamins
•TRAACS® minerals from Albion® Laboratories
•probiotics to promote intestinal health
•and enzymes to support food digestion.

All natural non synthetic sourced vitamins for easy recognition by the body.

Clinically validated minerals with 180 clinical bioavailability studies to ensure their claims.

Our ingredients are individually selected based on the quality, purity, and efficacy they provide.
Photo by andy castro

all natural
100% nutrient dense
whole food based

We selected specific ingredients for the nutritional density and maximum biological efficacy.

no  synthetic  vitamins

100% utilized,   recognizable,  bioavailable.
80% of vitamins in multivitamins on the market today are synthetic.

Life Psychle Daily multi-vitamins are sourced from real food.
Photo by JeepersMedia

need better cognitive clarity?

Up your game
Are you looking to up your game and make the full commitment to doing what it takes to get to the next level?

Are you challenged with the current effort it takes in combining time and family management?

This is an 'all encompassing' sport, both physically and mentally challenging.
We get it, we know and have been there.

We know the hurdles you face and want you to 'clear' them efficiently and effectively as possible.

Photo by lumkness

Elevate your training

Beyond  sweat  and  nutrition
Psychle is strategic whereas we understand the various levels, internally and externally of staying healthy.
The body is layered, overlapping and intertwined.

Physical and emotional intersect and sometimes don't connect.
We can guide you through challenges with one on one mental coaching.
Photo by digi.rebay

Dr. julie Cajolet-Eckhardt, Phd

MOXiLife's Ironman Sports Psychologist

Your edge for performance results

MOXiLife has on staff a Sports Psychologist: Dr. Julie Cajolet-Eckhardt, PhD.

She is an accomplished age group triathlete, competing for 13+ years, a Boston finisher, Kona qualifier & finisher.

She also is a wife and step mother of 5 and she 'gets it' and understands what it takes to take it to the next level.

Her knowledge and expertise can be the 'edge' you need for your race, or simply to get you through the next week.

Attainable Goals

  • Efficient training
  • dialed in nutrition
  • proper recovery
  • Daily life balance
  • Body awareness
  • work smarter not harder
  • consistency
We all have different reasons for participating in endurance sports.

Whether it is to shed a few pounds, qualify for Kona or to gather with amazing people and add to the bucket list.

MOXiLife wants you to know you are at your best, with quality products and services to make your goals a reality.
Photo by markhillary

Moxilife thanks you!

Many Thanks.