MSU Director of Ops

Published on Nov 24, 2015

Marianne Brough, Candidate for the Montana State University Director of Operations position.


marianne brough

Director of Operations Candidate

Seeking adventures and new ideas

I am an enthusiastic mentor for students who are seeking opportunities to engage, influence, and contribute to the community in order to advance their scholarship, express their vision, and accomplish their aspirations.

I have 15 years of professional and academic experience as a student programs facilitator. My notable skills include collaborative leadership with diverse students and stakeholders, excellent written and oral communication, and strategic planning and decision making.

My high-energy approach is centered on student development theory and a paradigm of experiential learning and mentoring. By building an authentic rapport with students, I am successful in supporting them through rewarding and empowering academic experiences.

education & experience

  • Masters Degree: Professional Communication
  • Bachelors Degree: Political Science
  • Certification: Strategic Planning & Exec. Leadership
  • 15 years of expertise managing student programs 
  • Career dedicated to leadership and mentoring
My professional skills are focused on student advocacy, public relations, and program management. Creating and facilitating student programs based on best practice standards is my specialty.

I have 15 years of experience mentoring and supporting diverse students. My most recent position was Executive Director of the Mentor Project, a nonprofit organization I helped found and develop into a highly-regarded community service.

I graduated from Westminster College with a Masters in Professional Communication in 2012 and have recently achieved several professional certifications, most notably, Strategic Planning from the University of Notre Dame. My academic emphasis was centered on public relations, pedagogy for adult-learners, and professional writing and multi-media design for print and web.

transformational leadership

Inspiring innovation
My leadership style is transformational. I am focused on collaborating, supporting my team, and embracing challenge.
I have high-expectations and a robust work ethic, and because of that I love to recognize students and reward success.


Building consensus and a community of support
I am empathetic, observant and flexible. I have training and experience in crisis management, mediation, negotiation and public relations.

I appreciate conflicts because they are opportunities for people to resolve conflicting priorities.
My axiom for success is "I want what you want"

Micro example:
Mentor Paradigm - Happy, Healthy, Safe, Challenged

Macro example:
American Express, Goldman Sachs, and Harley Davidson


Championing the students' agenda
I am passionate and persistent.

As Director of Operations, I know that my role is to stand with the students on issues. I will work hard to open doors, influence administration, and build policy bridges. My strong skills in argumentation and rhetoric will be an asset. I am willing to be controversial in order to accomplish students' objectives.

LGBT Mentor Policy


Empowering student leadership 
I love to recognize and reward the expertise of students. Awareness of our personal strengths allows us to connect a new idea with a known idea for exponential growth.

My entire career has been dedicated to building mentoring relationships are inspiring and empowering.

I employ David Kolb's Experiential Learning Model to accomplish concrete and conceptual development. I love working with young adults because you are agents of change. Students challenge normative policies and address structural oppression.

As a mentor, my job is to support the wholistic advancement of
cognitive complexity in student development, in a way that embraces self awareness, intersecting social identities, and ethical activism.

Example: Mentoring Conference


Attracting participation and awareness
I am enthusiastic and outgoing.

I have an aptitude for traditional and social media, promotional outreach, and comprehensive marketing plans.

The key to attracting participation and awareness is galvanizing a high-energy team. Together we create a clear and consistent message. We build a reputation for facilitating events that exceed expectations.

Example: Community Events 490% growth


Developing skills and resiliency
I am encouraging, trustworthy, and willing to be flexible.

Students need a safe place to express themselves, find encouragement, and access resources. Students who accept leadership roles add challenges and obligations to their already demanding schedules. Burning out is a real risk.

I can create an organizational culture of efficiency and effectiveness to eliminate unnecessary stress. Then together, as we develop professional skills and resiliency, we can make meaningful, rewarding changes.

Example: Youth Government Commission


Implementing strategic plans
My expertise is in Strategic Planning. I am confident, analytical, and decisive.

I will engage a team to use critical thinking and long-term planning to design systems, tools, and processes that provide an essential organizational structure. This foundation will ease the task of managing the changes inherent in a student lead organization.

I am well-practiced in managing the intricacies of budget analysis, organizational bylaws, and academic policies. I've even coached debate, so policy argumentation and Robert's Rules of Order are second nature to me.

Example: Founding organizations and scholarships
- Milestone
- SLCO Leadership
- Youth Government Commission
- Olene Walker Scholarship


Reporting metrics and outcome successes
I'm determined and proud of success.

Student leadership needs qualitative and quantitative metrics to demonstrate value and effectiveness. I can build or advance an evaluation strategy that will help us demonstrate our contribution to the University's Strategic Plan.

Data helps to keep people accountable, uphold agreements, attract funding, and remove obstacles.

When we follow evidence based methodologies and establish best-practices we can eliminate risk, improve services, and get the credit we deserve.



Nothing is more inspiring to me than working with young leaders who have the passion and energy to be influential.

May I work for you?


Marianne Brough

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