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Multi- Intelligence Talents

Published on Nov 23, 2015

Quick activities and ideas to help the 8 multiple intelligence learners


Multiple Intelligences

How do you teach me?
What Am I Thinking? Am I learning? What's the best way to reach me? Why not give me a student interest survey to find out.
Photo by Pratham Books

Linguistic Talkers

talk show hosts, letter writiers,plays, short stories, slogans
These students would love to do activities that would include:
1. Pretending/ writing questions to interview someone
2. Writing/Re-writing short stories or plays
3. Leading discussions or debating issues.
4. Writing letters to persuade or encourage others

Logical Mathematical Wizards

Strategy, problem/solution,charts, and diagram thinkers
These students are deep deep deep Thinkers. They believe that there is always a formula/reasoning behind every event or outcome. To explain and organize their thoughts the tend to use:
1. Syllogisms
2. Analogies
3. Venn Diagrams
4. Charts to organize data
5. Time lines
6. Patterns
7. Catagorizing

Kinesthetic Movers & Shakers

Actors, Dancers, Rythms, Patterns 
These are your movers and shakers. These students like to be up and out doing things related to the theme or topic.
They prefer activities like:
1. Going on field trips connected with the subject matter.
2. Building or constructing things or models.
Role Playing/Act-It-Out
3. Schavenger Hunts
4. Hands-On Activities
5. Making a board game
Photo by chooyutshing

Visual Seekers

Shapes,Colors, Patterns, Murals,Paint, Sculp, and Draw
These students see the big picture. They see proportions, colors, images, patterns, shapes. They prefer activities like:
1. Use of Anchor Charts, Graphs, Maps, or Clusters
2. Design posters, bulletin boards, slideshows,video taping or photography.
3. Like to use their memory and imagination as a tools for demonstrating what they learned.
4. Creating advertisements,architectural drawings,illustrating, painting, sculpting, and color coding.
Photo by qthomasbower

Musical Genius

Rythm, Rhyme and Reason
These students anyway that a teachers can connect music into the learning. Their learning is enhanced with music infused into the learning. Activities would include opportunities to :
1. Write song lyrics, sing a rap of explanation of a topic, change lyrics to fit a new skill.
2. Compare & Contrast musical pieces.
3. Create musical collages, make an instrument and use it,
4. Indicate rhythmical patterns,Compose new endings to songs.
5.Collect and present songs about....

Interpersonal Leaders

teachers,political leaders,activist,problem solver
These students tend to actively participate in class and group discussions. They enjoy teaching others how to do something. They are able to debate and address community and global problems. They love collaborative work and doing public service community projects.
Photo by phalinn

Intrapersonal Reflectors

Independent Thinkers
These learners are driven by reflections, goals, and achievements. They prefer activities that allow them to:
1. Explain the reason for studying the topic
2. Use self directed learning
3. Write journal entries about the topic
4. Set and pursue goals to achieve tasks
5. Describe how they feel about the topic
Photo by VinothChandar

Naturalist Examiner

Scientist, Weather, Nature,and Relationships
This type of learner enjoys:
1. Collecting and analyzing data
2. Keeping journals of observations
3. Comparing weather conditions and phenomena
4. Using microscopes, binoculars,and telescopes
5. Identifying relationships
6. Caring for plants and animals
7. Attending field trips related to topic
Photo by @Doug88888