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Multicultural Inquiry

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Multi-Cultural Inquiry


What Is Culture?

  • defined as:the arts and other manifestations of
  • human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.
  • my definition: the various traditions, physical traits, or religious beliefs
  • that sets apart said group from other groups.


  • Cultures include traditions, foods, clothing, beliefs, and communities.
  • Some conflicts that cultures go through are the interactions with other cultures,
  • such as the ongoing Christian-Muslim general dislike, often seen as many people's
  • misinterpretations of Muslims as terrorists.
  • "Human Culture: What Is Culture?" Human Culture: What Is Culture? N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2014.


  • Physical traits: Women cover themselves, people make pilgrimages to Mecca,
  • men having turbans and long beards, and finally, Muslims make constant prayers,
  • all bowing in the same directions.
  • Customs: Islam babies must have their heads shaved, follow the 5 Pillars of Islam.

The Muslim Faith (Cont.)

  • eat a specific diet encompassing no pork
  • strive for religious perfection, also called Jihad,
  • and always try and protect your religion.
  • "Muslim Beliefs." Beliefs of Islam. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.

Literature and Culture

  • Influences: the wish to display the culture and lifestyle of a culture
  • Literature is like life because it encompasses a custom
  • as a whole in an understandable way.
  • Literature shows in what ways do people act in that culture


  • Many literary works often have all the values and beliefs of a religion.
  • Literary works usually include various situations that many of us can relate to,
  • such as dealing with anger, hatred, or dealing with deceit or failure.
  • "Texts of Islam." Texts of Islam. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.

Cultural Acceptance

  • teach children about various people groups
  • understanding other cultures and people to not form prejudice
  • some situations that can show the need for acceptance:
  • African-American rights movements, Pakistani and Indian conflict

Cultural Acceptance

  • What is at stake?
  • War could erupt, discrimination causing internal conflict and strife
  • Could cause corruption of government and attempted genocide of groups
  • "Activities That Promote Racial and Cultural Awareness."
  • PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.