Multiple Modalities

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Why Multiple Modalities ?

We are not all wired the same 
Photo by toyfoo

Multiple Modalities is an instructional practice used to advance student engagement. It involves providing diverse presentations, and experiences of the content so that students use different senses and different skills during a particular lesson.

Multiple Modalities is an instructional practice used to improve student engagement. It involves providing diverse presentations, and experiences of the content so that students use different senses and different skills during a single lesson.


  • Piaget - Knowledge thru interaction
  • Montessori - Kids learn best thru sensory experiences
Photo by atomicshark

Children must master the language of things before they master the language of words.”

—Friedrich Froebel, Pedagogics of the Kindergarten, 1895

Play is learning....

“Young children need to learn with their head, heart, and hands.” This means that children need to experience their learning with their mind, heart, and hands all together, simultaneously. They have to become it, use all their senses, and experience first-hand the learning for themselves as it is evolving. This is called active or experiential learning. It is hands-on in nature and it is how young children acquire knowledge. Donna R. Sanderson

Young children need to learn with their head, heart, and hands, This means that children need to experience their learning with their mind, heart, and hands all together, simultaneously.

Photo by qthomasbower

The human brain has evolved to develop, learn and
operate optimally in multisensory environments. Multisensory stimulation
provides a redundancy that is crucial for extracting and retaining information.

the human brain has evolved to develop, learn and
operate optimally in multisensory environments

Children think about the world very differently than adults do.

Photo by Michelle Brea

Literacy research explores ways that multiple modalities influence learning.

It is important for educators and families to provide children with experiences to learn about the alphabet in a developmentally appropriate framework rather than with flash cards and repetitive practice.

Through this use of linguistic, visual and audio modes kids experience, conceptualize, analyze and apply meaning.

literacy research continues to explore ways that multiple modalities influence the literacy and learning of our students. Through the use and creation of multimodal texts, students have opportunities to use linguistic, visual and audio modes in order to experience, conceptualize, analyze and apply meaning.

Because of their diverse literacy needs, our students need us to differentiate the product.
We must process the content according to their learning style, interest and readiness.

Photo by mrsdkrebs

explicit, systematic, sequential, and multi-sensory

Research-based methodology that teaches foundational language skills in an explicit, systematic, sequential, and multi-sensory fashion. The program provides individuals with proven, Orton-Gillingham-based reading strategies from the most basic foundational skills through all of the five pillars of reading (i.e., phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension)

Manipulatives Rock!



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Plearning - in essence, it takes play and merges it with learning.

Plearning incorporates gaming with direct multisensory experiences to put PLAY back into the instruction.

Using the wisdom of our pioneers in the art of teaching we incorporate "best practices" with a sound pedagogical approach to maximize the learning for all children.

Zugphonics (Works) uses a research-based methodology that teaches reading readiness in a clear, well-organized, sequential, and of course multi-sensory method. The program provides individuals with reading strategies that have proven successful in the past and drives growth further through SMART diagnostics.

The five mainstays of reading, phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension....

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