vision problems such as blurred or double vision or optic neuritis, which causes pain in the eye and a rapid loss of vision.
weak, stiff muscles, often with painful muscle spasms
tingling or numbness in the arms, legs, trunk of the body, or face
clumsiness, particularly difficulty staying balanced when walking
bladder control problems, either inability to control the bladder or urgency
dizziness that doesn't go away
Later Symptoms
mental or physical fatigue which accompanies the above symptoms during an attack
mood changes such as depression or euphoria
changes in the ability to concentrate or to multitask effectively
difficulty making decisions, planning, or prioritizing at work or in private life.
There is still no cure for MS, but there are treatments for initial attacks, medications and therapies to improve symptoms, and recently developed drugs to slow the worsening of the disease. These new drugs have been shown to reduce the number and severity of relapses and to delay the long term progression of MS.