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Music Producer

Published on Nov 18, 2015

No Description


Music Producer

By: Taylor Klem
Photo by hmomoy

Job Description/ ABility

  •  Music producers are often defined as the unsung heroes behind the scenes in popular music
  • Make sure that music is well recorded and well produced
  • Help sIngers get their parts right
  • Make sure the microphone is not too far from the amplifier


  • A Music Producer's salary can range from $20k to over $1 million per year
  • Average yearly music producer salary of $55,340
  • The most experienced and prestiged earn $97,700 on average annually


  • There's no standard level of education needed
  • Many colleges offer a program for the bachelor's degree
  • They are 4 year programs
  • You could get a Bachelors in Science in Music Production
  • Or a Bachelor of Music with education


  • The best place to live would be in a big city 
  • L.A. or New York
  • More music industry jobs in big cities

Travel Requirements

  • Have to have their equipment. 
  • Have to be creative.
  • They have to be able to love all types of music.
  • Have to be able to work well with other people.