disclaimer: I'm not an expert, Please share if you have different opinions or correct me if I'm wrong.
- use Nicholas Zakas' helpful little function
Meteor is moving fast!
you can easily get distracted simply by the amount of stuff that's going on. So you have to focus on the important stuff (important to Meteor in general) and important to your specific project/use case. Knowing key members of the community helps a lot with that. Because you can trust their opinions. As you newbie you just don't know what's important and what is just interesting to read but doesn't have a long lasting impact.
- identify MDG memers
- identify the top contributors/ most active people in the community: Arunoda, Josh Owens, Chet Corcos, rclai, David Weldon (highly active on SO, cool blog!) usw. -> know whose opinion to trust
- subscribe to every Meteor news-channel that you can: thisweekinmeteor,
crater.io, forums, david weldons blog, meteor interviews
- but: don't get distracted by all the activity! set aside some fixed amount of time to consume the news, decide what's relevant to your current project or possible future projects and then get back to work
- David Weldon article, Llama article, Astronomy package
- it's worth the effort
- I had lots of bugs that were difficult to trace because of mutable state
- for example when you use schema it mutates the object