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My Antonia EQ

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By Willa Sibert Cather Charis Mathew P5
Photo by Warren Wong

How does genuine friendship strengthen society?

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Why is friendship important? Friendship begins from our childhood and affects the future. From their research, Professors Thomas Rizzo and Willam Corosaro wrote in a journal the process and meaning of friendship among first-grade children. They discuss that friendship is a shapable and general concept that is significant to an individual and society.
Photo by Hannah Busing

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• Friendships are a necessity to maturing as a person. As Corosaro found when watching peer interactions, “The children...developed stable relations with several playmates” (Rizzo and Corsaro 397). They did this to gain continuous play time, protect their activities from random kids, and to build trust.

• Similarly in the novel, Jim realizes that the truth of friendship lasts no matter what. In revelation he tells Antonia, “The idea of you is part of my mind ... you really are a part of me” (Cather 434). By understanding our own personal life with others, we can have the confidence to live life in happiness and comfort. This includes making good choices and striving for the best which positively affects our surrounding community.

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• Uncomfortable situations and bad relationships cannot always be avoided. Friendships aren’t all the same, but are based behavior and communication. Rizzo and Corsaro found from a videotaped episode, “The children... used the denial of friendship... to regulate or alter ongoing play” (398). In reality, disputes help people learn social skills such as acceptance.

• As Antonia first meets Jim, her attitude and desire for friendship causes her to catch people’s attention. “This girl seemed to mean to us the country, the conditions, the whole adventure of our childhood” (Cather 7). Friendship in differences allows mutual trust and a protected interactive society to be created.
Photo by Marko Pekić

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• The nostalgia of good relationships allows people to see the world in a better light. The nostalgic memories of family and friends encourage people to try harder and find gratitude. Children rarely engaged in solitary play... they consistently attempted to gain protection of interactive space” (Rizzo and Corosaro 396).

• Rizzo and Corsaro believe friendships cultivate and filter along the way to change social culture for the better. At some point the realization of life wakes us up, “Some memories are realities and are better than anything that can ever happen to one again”(Cather 439). Those feelings encourage confidence but also effect higher thinking and group building strength.

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• Friendships give us a way to grow our individual interests but also interacting with a group. Friendship grows by worries, challenges, and needs that are shared. This kind of relationship is valuable and glows to influence others to shine too.

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