I cried the day Maya Angelou died. She had a way with words that made me feel that she was speaking directly to me through her book. The world lost a beautiful writer and I felt like I lost part of myself.
To Kill A Mockingbird is my favorite book of all time. I re-read it every year and I always discover something new about the book, myself, or human nature. If I could only read one book for the rest of my life, it would be To Kill A Mockingbird.
I can't think of any other book (other than the BIBLE) that teachers such important life lessons in such a beautiful way. This is the sweetest book that I have ever read. I loved it as a child but I think I love it even more as an adult. It definitely has a good lesson for young children and an even greater lesson for adults.
One of the most beautiful love stories I have ever read. The Bridges of Madison County is actually the first book in a trilogy. All three are wonderful and the last two books beautifully explains what happens to the characters after the first book has ended. However, it is not a happily ever after story and every time I read it, I wish the characters would make different decisions, thus changing the end of the story. Of course, they don't, but I can always hope...
I hope you have enjoyed finding out about a FEW of my favorite books. There are so MANY wonderful books and so many that I adore! My wish for you is to love a book as much as I love these!