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My Favorite Goddess

Published on Nov 23, 2015

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My Favorite Goddess

By: Ieisha Wells and Brenda Terry



Fertility & motherhood

What does she Control?

  • fertility
  • birth waters
  • menstrual flow
  • breast milk

Symbol of Rhea

A lion pulling her chariot & the Moon


The Creation of Cronus & Rhea, and birth of Zeus

Gaia(mother of Earth) and Uranus(father of sky) gave birth to six sets of twins, and three Cyclopes. Rhea and Cronus were the last set of twins that were born. Uranus hated the Cyclopes and did not want them to be shown in his world.

So he forced them back into Gaia's womb. The pain became so unbearable, Gaia wanted revenge against her husband. Desperate for help she called to her children(Titans).Her youngest son Cronus was brave enough to oppose his father. As his father lay with Gaia that night he cut of his fathers genital and threw it into the ocean

Cronus then married his sister Rhea. They gave birth to six children. Cronus had a dream that one of his children would overthrow him. He did not want this to happen so he made Rhea hand him every child that she birthed,so he could swallow them.

Cronus was just like his father :jealous of his kids powers and fear of being overthrown.Rhea was much like her mother she loved her children. She wanted a chance to be a mother to them. So she carried her last baby in secrecy. When gave birth to Zeus instead of giving Cronus Zeus to swallow. She gave him a rock wrapped inside a blanket.

She then smuggled Zeus to Crete. Zeus would grow up to defeat his father in the battle of The Olympians and The Titans.

Why did You Choose this Goddess/interesting Facts?We chose Rhea because she is the reason women are able to produce children. It is because of her that some women can not bare children.

She is responsible for the flow of your monthly menstrual cycle. It is because of her that females have fatigue, bloating, and cramping.

This interested us because we know as women how painful this can be. How moody this can make us. Some women want children and aren't able to have them. Goddess Rhea is the reason for this.