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My Future College

Published on Dec 01, 2015

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By: Rachelle Kent

My future college, based off my extensive research, will most likely be University of California- Irvine. In this presentation I will explain how this college fits best for my future.

University of California-Irvine is a highly recommended school, with its wonderful staff and a high graduation rate of 93% and with a low tuition fee, it's a perfect fit for my future, but like anything, it has it's cons as well.


  • This school has programs for each profession i want to go into.
  • It has a cheap tuition.
  • Its near the ocean, which is essential for one of my intrests.
  • It has a very large campus with in house dorms.
  • It has a highly recommended education system.


  • It has a high record of break-ins on campus.
  • The campus can be like a maze due to its size.

Tuition Fee's
Unlike the other colleges I researched, University of California-Irvine has affordable tuition fee's for undergraduates and average graduates alike.

The tuition fees for undergraduates is $13,149.
The tuition fees for average graduates is $11,220. While the admission application fee is $70.

Since the tuition fees are more affordable than most colleges, my plan is to get a part time job during my years in high school and save up some money, but my family have already planned to help with the fees when the time comes.

University of California-Irvine offers in house dorm rooms for their students, though from personal investigation, there are apartments right across the street from the campus that many students live in during the four years they attend the school.

University of California-Irvine is a prestigious school, who holds the standard in education and if I could say myself, location.

All three of the professions I am interested in going into when I grow up, A multimedia animator, an author, or a Marine biologist, are offered at University of California-Irvine.

Each of my favored professions needs a Bachelor's Degree, and at UCI, they have a four-year ( or even less) plan for me to achieve my degree.

The location is preferable as well for marine biology, as well as for being an author. The college is just a short drive away from the ocean, and ever since I was a little girl, the ocean has inspired me.

Along with the benefits academically, they have a swim team! I've always loved the sport, but no school has offered the option to swim competitively before, but that will change at UCI.

During the summer of 2013, I visited UCI myself and was given a tour of the campus. I love to read, and to say they have a impressive library is an understatement. Their library is 5 stories tall with books flooding on every floor.

Needless to say, their computer graphics work station is impressive. With rows of top notch computers and digital design tablets, it's any artists dream!

UCI focuses on its arts more than its sports, which is a preference for me, since the only sport I am interested in is swimming and one of my options deeply involves art.

All the other colleges I investigated had good educational background and high graduation rates, but only offered programs for one or two of my professions, or didn't offer proper living conditions for me.


  • A great education.
  • Preferable living conditions.
  • An affordable tuition.
  • A swimming team.
  • And a chance at a good future.

Overall I am confidant that UCI is the college that will take me where I have to go with any of my career paths, and with my educational background I am confidant they will accept me into their school when the time comes.