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My Leadership Journey through Education

My personal changing definition of leadership from beginning to end of Leadership Theory component of Australian Command and Staff College.


My Leadership Definition

“...to see a problem and be the solution”

The Challenge

  • “There is no widely accepted definition of leadership, no common consensus on how best to develop leadership and leaders, and remarkably little conclusive evidence of the impact of leadership or leadership development on organisational performance.”
  • (Bolden & Kirk, 2006)

The Challenge

  • “...The division of leaders and their actions into good and bad seriously oversimplifies a much more complex reality and continues to reinforce a problematic, trait-based, and personality-centric view of human behaviour.” (Pfeiffer - 2016)
Photo by VinothChandar

New Understanding

Less mission/task focussed, but based on group-actualisation
Photo by rawpixel

Servant Leadership

Photo by dmitryzhkov