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The first house i ever lived in was a two story house with blue siding a decent size front yard and a big back yard with a swing set. It was my dad,mom, and my two older sisters and I. at this this house i remeber every thing i really miss it beacause all of us were together. ever sense that then i cant remeber all of us together in one room.

i think that the main reason my parents are getting a divorce is finacial. and then for a while my parents did get along really well until my dad got re married. and of course they fell apart.
then when i was around 5 o wanted to move in with my dad because my sister and i didnt get along. so i did.

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my life began

Published on Dec 08, 2015

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my life began

''i lived there''. pg 5
The first house i ever lived in was a two story house with blue siding a decent size front yard and a big back yard with a swing set. It was my dad,mom, and my two older sisters and I. at this this house i remeber every thing i really miss it beacause all of us were together. ever sense that then i cant remeber all of us together in one room.

i think that the main reason my parents are getting a divorce is finacial. and then for a while my parents did get along really well until my dad got re married. and of course they fell apart.
then when i was around 5 o wanted to move in with my dad because my sister and i didnt get along. so i did.


''boys and...girls live in separate worlds''
Me and my older sisters didnt get along when we were younger. I guess it was because they were older and they were girls. at the time it was just us 3 and my mom. my parents were divorce.

i remember one time me and my sisters where in our back yard playing on or little play set with swing and a slide. and on the top we didnt relize that there was a bee hive at the top of it. and so one of the bees came out the hive and start chasing us. at the time back then my sister chrissy back then was suppose to be the athletic one and my older sister jump the fence then i did then my sister chrissy got stunged. ever sense that day every time us three is together we talk about that one moment.

another time me and chrissy had got al
Photo by Ty Nigh

my sister and i

''and other things i cant explain.''
out of all my siblings my second to older sister troi (chrissy) have lots of the same characterticts. some of the thing like puting other first or like, family before anything but also i think me and her have the same laugh like nenny and her sister.

but one time me and her were playing game i dont remember what game but i did something in the game and me her just broke out laughing. it was so bad that it got to the point that we couldnt breathe and i think thats wheni relize me and her have the same laugh.

the thing that got me was that my voice is way deeper than hers and we sounded just alike when we get into a real deep laugh.

Photo by j0esam1

new kid

'' meme Ortiz moved in to Cathy house after her family moved away''
i remember when i live with my dad and a new family moved in right across from us. for some reason when they moved in i new they would be trouble. they were a single parent family there only the dad that took cared of them. there were two boy and two girls.
the oldest was a boy and his name was Stacy. he was the main trouble maker,it was like his second week of school and he got caught with caring a knife on the bus. and thats the day i knew there was something wrong in that house. after a while my step mom walked over to there house and she found out that there mother had left them when they were young and it was just there dad and there dad was a fire fighter and had got hurt on a job.

bad kids

''they are bad those vargases''
Vargases arent bad but there not well behaved. there a buch of kids that dont know better and basically acting like kids. and they bascially dont know better.

vargases are like the bed kids in store that go around running and touching and when you the parents they dont care. but in this situation the vargases is a single parent family and shes all by herself and because theres so many of them they cant get track.

i remeber one of my aunt neighbor son was riding his bike in other people yard. and someone finnally came out to say something to him . and the little boy started cussing at him the neighbor and the kid was like 6. i was like wow. if my brother or sister had done something like that we would probaly never go outside again
Photo by uncultured


''your mama that's who''
you know how your younger and your hang out with your friends and two of them statrts going on each other just like they did in the book.

so i was in elemantry school and its was a couple of us just standing around at recces and they started doing ''yo mama'' jokes and one of the teachers mr.diceson. and the thing about mr.diceson was that he was a funny cool teacher. so he came up to us and said why is always mothers why not dads. and that moments ill never for get beacause the way he said and of who he is. never thought a teacher would say it.

another person who does alot jokes is my own sisters. we go on each so much its not even. she does yo mama jokes and we have the same parents its just how our relationship is.

one of them

''the canteens ''
i always wanted to do what my older sibilngs. i remeber my sisters went out and i couldnt go and my mom said i would just wait at the steps for them. and little thing like that is hard to believe


''my uncle and i bow'' 
my uncle past away last year with brain cancers. and one of the last memories i have with him was, when were at our family reunion and he was dancing and having a good time and i was sitting down watching everybody and seeing him dance and having a great time knowing that he was sick. just meant alot to me personally.

another funny time was when my grandmother started dancing at my uncles anversity party it. it was the mostest thing i ever saw. if i would had put it online i wouldve became famous for sure.

i have a niece she just turn two. and it was my sister my niece me my grandmother and we all went to a store and i forgot what was playing but my niece just wanted to get down. so we put her down and she just started dancing.

first job

i thought id find an easy job 
my very first job was cutting grass for one of my dads friends. it was preatty simple and easy, she gave me 20 total for front and back. then she sent me to her friend and i did yard.

my dream job is to work for the FBI. i love helping and law. ill do anything to become a law enforcer. my older sister is also wants to do the same thing. but also the beggining of this year i talked to a recruater about the air force offering the same thing.

but my ultiment dream is to play football proffesinaly. there is like a 1.6 chance of even making it.but
Photo by Yorick_R

hard work

''wakes up tired in the dark''
my dad is a hard worker who works two jobs. my dad has been working the same job ever sense he got out of high school, which is a security guard up in dc. he basically he sits in a booth and opens the lots for lawyers and judges and all the rich high class people.

his other job he has, is more fun and he likes more but its still a job. he's a security guard at the mir. which is a race track 3 minutes from the house.

he has to wake up at 4:00 in the morning and drive to the bus station, then catch a bus to dc. fridays is the worse day. he goes to his dc jobs go home and sleep for and hour then goes to his other jobs and wouldnt get home still 8 in the morning and do the same thing the next night.

i never realize how hard he work to support us. and how hard worked

born bad

''most likely ill go to hell''
my cousin is bad. he starts fight he, cusses he yells. screams. he's un contralable. and you cant really say he was raised wrong. both of his parents are preatty wealthy. he was spoiled and now that he's getting older he spects the same thing.

he had got in a argument with my step mom (his aunt) and punched her face and didnt care he's been arested so many times.

there know way he will ever have a postive future with his work ethic and attiude. but the thing is he thinks that he`s all big and bad he picks on and fight people way smaller them him. because he knows he cant beat them.

and honestly i cant stand bullies or people who pick on people.
Photo by duncan


in 2012 my sister was involed in a hit-and-run. she was riding her bike back home from a friends house. and she was riding on the road and when it was her time to go across some ran a red light, hit her, stopped to see if she would move and kept going when she didnt move.

it was a normal sunday got up went too church then out to lunch with my aunt and uncle. after lunch we were heading home. it was my dad driving my step mom in the passanger seat and me and my sister behind them in the back seat. my dads phone started to ring it was my mom telling him what just happen. . they dropped me and my sister off at the house and head tours my sister.

so now im home in my room bust out in tears because my sister my bestfriend just got hit by a car and now is laying in a hospital bed.

so hours go by and my phone went off and on the line it was my sister calling me to tell me that she is find and that she`ll be ok.

so she end only breaking one bone cant remeber which one, but the person who hit her left the country and was never caught.


'this is the only time we see earl execpt when he comes and goes to work'
i have neighbor who ive talk to him ounce or twice. his name is chuck he lives right next to me. i want to say he a taxi driver but im sure.

but i leave my house at 6:40 and his car is gone and i get home around 7 and his car is still gone. my mom says every weekend they just by fast food.

but he`s a very big guy and he has no problem walking out to his mail box with his shirt off. but also there was another time that he walked up to my brother and his friends and started playing catch with them. and that just shows me that he`s not as weird but nice.

but the wierd part is that he`s married but ive never seen his wife before

what i am

''four skinny trees''
if i would compare myself to something it would be a dog. the reason i chosed a dog because there loyal,helpful,mean when needed.

i love helping and giving to those who need it. in my old church in Maryland my church would bring in homeless people and open there houses and feed them and help them get jobs. every year i would volunteer for this and other things the church would do.

but also protective like a dog. o wouldnt let anyone talk bad about my siblings or family. my brother is short and big and where glasses and he's in the fourth grade. and i remeber one time he came home upset and crying and i ask what was wrong and he said this boy was picking on him and calling him names


''or is afraid of english''
theres this one kid who's in my gym class who cant speak any English at all or understand it. so he really dosent do anything he just sits there and looks around. people who rides his bus says that he`s weird and will just stare at them .

i try to talk to him or try at least but of course he says the same thing ''no english''. and now as i think about it he hasnt been to school in a couple of weeks. and her sense i read this chapter maybe he wants to talk but knows he cant. and maybe he`s looking at you because he want to talk. as i think the only person he really does talk to is Mr. Milburn.

but why do we put students like him through things like this through this. why not have someone who speaks spanish teach them and let them be with other who speaks there language.
Photo by panshipanshi


''i am the one nobody comes for''
i think everyone have a very one can be cruel sometimes but someone who is very cruel can


''the three sisters''
i have four sisters and one brother. it is horrible. and my brother is 5 years younger than me. so you already knows how that goes.my two older sisters are 22 and 20. and now that were older we get along. but back then we would abused each other. my sisters would teas me and take my stuff.. but i would do it back to show that i wasnt scared of them.

but it wasnt always war we would have our fun moment. we play and watch tv together. i know on time me and my sisters would take all ou
Photo by vxla

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