This shows couples are not just wanting the traditional ordinary wedding but are moving with the times and are leaning towards a more modern, expensive and grander wedding lifestyle as the media is increasingly promoting and offering loads of inspirational ideas to this mass audience of focused, ambitious keen to spend women, as there are many ways for modern bride to be's to get help as they are well catered for by print, broadcast, apps and Emedia platforms to capture the very beginning to end of there special day.
This shows couples are not just wanting the traditional ordinary wedding but are moving with the times and are leaning towards a more expensive and grander wedding, as the media increasingly promotes and offers loads of inspirational ideas to this mass audience of focused, ambitious keen to spend women, as there are many ways for modern bride to be's to get help as they are well catered for by print, broadcast, apps and Emedia platforms to capture the very beginning to end of there special day journey.