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My objectives for is to be able to ask someone’s name and give my name in spanish. Also, ask and say who someone is.introduce people and say where they are from

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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My objectives for this section is to be able to ask someone’s name and give my name in spanish. Also, ask and say who someone is, introduce people and say where they are from and use subjects, subject pronouns and verbs in sentences.

Photo by photolupi


  • Buenos días, señor. Good morning, sir. Buenas tardes, señorita. Good afternoon, miss. Buenas noches, señora. Good evening, ma’am. Adiós. Goodbye. Buenas noches. Good night. Hasta luego. See you later. Hasta mañana. See you tomorrow. Hasta pronto. See you soon. Nos vemos. See you. Tengo que irme. I have to go.
Photo by tim caynes

To ask how a friend is.

  • Hola, ¿cómo estás? Hi, how are you? ¿Qué tal? How’s it going?
Photo by netjcmv

Trabajo de campana

Get together with 3 classmates and ask them their names in Spanish. Then report their names to the class.

Photo by ferlomu


To ask a classmate or other young person’s name (familiar).
¿Cómo te llamas?

What’s your name?
To ask an adult’s name (formal).
¿Cómo se llama usted?
What’s your name?
To give your name
Me llamo…
My name is …
I’m …
To ask who someone is
¿Quién es...?
Who is …?
To say who someone isWhat is his/her name?
(Él/Ella) es...
He/She is …
(Él/Ella) se llama...
His/Her name is …

Photo by Juanedc

I am able provide simple information in spoken form by reading and listening .

Photo by titoalfredo

Put the following sentences in logical order, from a to e.

1. Tengo que irme. Adiós.
2. Soy de Venezuela.
3. Ella es mi amiga Valeria.
4. Hola. Me llamo Fernando.
5. Es una compañera de clase.


Trabajo de Campana!

Engage in a conversation with 2 different people.

Talk about the things you like to do WITH friends.
describe how you are like and ask to watch movies with YOU.

Photo by Goldmund100


Hasta luego.
See you later.
Hasta mañana.
See you tomorrow.
Hasta pronto.
See you soon.
Nos vemos.
See you.
Tengo que irme.
I have to go.

Photo by M.Peinado

To introduce Someone

Éste es Jacob. (Él) es un compañero de clase.
This is Jacob. He is a classmate.

Éste es el señor Pinot. (Él) es mi profesor de español.
This is Mr. Pinot. He is my Spanish teacher.

Ésta es Rosa. (Ella) es una compañera de clase.
This is Rosa. She is a classmate.

Ésta es la señora (la señorita) Reams. (Ella) es mi profesora de ciencias.
This is Mrs. (Miss) Reams. She is my science teacher.

To respond

Encantado(a). Mucho gusto.
Pleased/Nice to meet you.

Es un placer.
It is a pleasure.

Es un placer conocerte (informal)
It is a pleasure to meet you.

Es un placer conocerlo(la). (formal)
It is a pleasure to meet you.

To say that you are also pleased to meet someone

¿Quién es el muchacho?
Who is the boy?
(Él) es mi mejor amigo.
He is my best friend.
(Él) es estudiante.
He is a student.
¿Quién es la muchacha?
Who is the girl?

How would you introduce these people?
your best friend Ana
your best friend Jacob
your classmate Macie
your classmate Sean
your spanish Teacher

Photo by tripu

I am able to ask someone where they are from and say where I am from as well as others in Spanish.

Photo by Felipe Araos

Trabajo de campana!

Imagine you and your partner have joined the Spanish Club. Greet each other, ask each other’s name and where each other is from. Then introduce each other to a classmate.

To ask where someone is from
To say where you and others are from
¿De dónde eres?
Where are you from? (familiar)
Soy de Estados Unidos.
I’m from the United States.

¿De dónde es usted?
Where are you from? (formal)
Soy de España.
I’m from Spain.

¿De dónde es...?
Where is … from?
Es de Cuba.
He (She) is from Cuba.

Complete this conversation using the correct subject pronouns.

Hola. __1__ (I) soy Rosalinda Chávez. Y __2__ (he) es mi amigo
Juan. ¿Cómo te llamas __3__ (you)?

__4__ (I) me llamo Antonia. Y __5__ (she) es mi amiga
Talía. __6__ (We–Talía and I) somos de Estados Unidos.
Juan y tú, ¿de dónde son __7__ (you, plural)?

Photo by lapidim

Hablemos /Escribamos
Imagine that you are a reporter interviewing new students and teachers for the school paper. With a partner, role-play one interview with a student and one with a teacher. Use the cues below.

1. Greet the person you are interviewing.
2. Ask what his or her name is.
3. Ask where he or she is from.
4. Ask what he/she likes to do
5.Say goodbye.

Photo by marcp_dmoz