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My Own Country Rules

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Form of government
I choose direct democracy. I think that people should have a say because some people don't stand up and they should. And it's good that the country is controlled by citizens because sometimes representatives can make the country bad.

Forms of government not chosen
I won't allow monarchy and representative democracy. I think that different people from different family's should be able to make the laws on not only one certain family. Also I think that you shouldn't choose a representative for the country they could change the country to something bad. I think the citizens the people of the country should rule the country.

Role of citizens
Every year each citizen should vote for the rules and the top laws go in the rule book. Every six months the rules will change by the same system. And any person can vote you don't have to be from the country. And guns are not allowed unless war.


  • All religion are allowed
  • Your not allowed to make fun of religion
  • Endangerd animals must be kept safe
  • You have to use bikes for transportation

Role of political organisations
The Kirby Endangered Secret Animal Cooperation where animals who at injured or endangered will be kept safe. And the Kirby Electromagnet isms Organisations that keeps track of how the electricity is going to see if it's on a good or bad rate.