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My Personal Fitness Profile

Published on Jul 17, 2020

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My Personal Fitness Profile

Cora Adam- PHY Ed 2

Health Benefits of Fitness

  • Longer life expectancy and better quality of life
  • Improves self-confidence, mood, an mental health
  • Helps with weight maintenance and someone's general physical health

MY Potential health risks

  • Family history of diabetes.
  • I spend a lot of time outdoors. My skin type allows me to sunburn easily.
  • I have a habit of eating a diet with excess refined sugars and low fiber, which puts me at risk for health issues.

Fitness Components

  • Cardiovascular Endurance (running, biking)
  • Muscular Strength (resistance/weight training, squats)
  • Muscular Endurance (planks, walking lunges)
  • Body Composition (sprints or strength training)
  • Flexibility (yoga, Pilates)
Photo by Scott Webb

S.M.A.R.T. GOAL: (S) I will achieve my (M) trunk rotation “yes” for my right side and improve my sit and reach measurements from average rating to good (A) by doing flexibility activities for 10 minutes (R) targeting my back and posterior muscles at least 2 times per week. (T) This goal will be accomplished by July 17th.

Photo by Jungwoo Hong

F.I.T.T. Plan

How To work towards a fitness goal
Photo by Kelly Sikkema

F.I.T.T Plan example

  • To improve my flexibility I incorporated a Pilates workout into my F.I.T.T. plan.
  • Frequency: July 11, 2020
  • Intensity: Moderate
  • Time: 30 minutes
  • Type: Pilates for abdominal and back muscles

My Results
I was able to complete flexibility activities according to my F.I.T.T plan and S.M.A.R.T goal so that I can now do the trunk rotation in both directions. Success! The other part of my goal was to improve my sit and reach, but it stayed around the same measurement and I did not improve my rating yet.

Photo by Tyler Nix

Roadblocks to Physical ACtivity

  • Waiting until too late in the day. If I do that, then I am more likely to not do it at all.
  • Not knowing if I will have a cross country season makes it harder for me to be diligent about workouts and make healthy choices.
Photo by pni

My Motivation
I set a goal to run a half-marathon myself on the Lake Regional Trail in case my cross country season is canceled this fall. I know that staying consistent with physical activity makes me feel better and helps me succeed in other areas of my life and can lead to a sustainable healthy lifestyle.

Photo by Thomas Dils


Health Related Fitness


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