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My Picture Frame Project

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Picture frame project

By Jake

why do you think your package is a suitable size?

The present is a picture frame that is 25cm wide and 17cm long so my box will big enough for the picture frame
Photo by JD Hancock

Is your package able to protect the gift effectively?

Yes it will protect the gift effectively because it is surrounded by bubble wrap which will protect them frame.
Photo by tehchix0r

What materials have you used to keep the cost of your package low?

The materials I used are bubble wrap, long cardboard box and a coloured red ribbon
Photo by Steve Rhodes

What materials have you used to make your package environmentally friendly and why

A long cardboard box, coloured ribbon, bubble wrap cardboard is recyclable so it is good for the environ
Photo by ttfnrob

Are your packaging materials Nice to look at at and why?

Yes I used a coloured ribbon and wrapping paper
Photo by riekhavoc