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  • Jobenley Edouard
  • Title: Fantasy
  • September 28,2015
  • Class: 7B


  • By Miriam Forster
  • Arms raised to the sky
  • Shorts wet with the playful surf
  • A mermaid is born.

City Of A Thousand Dolls
By: Miriam Forster

I picked this haiku poem because I like mermaids and it matches my theme kinda well. how the person wrote the poem got me caught on, like your at the beach surfing getting wet and at the same time a mermaid is being born

CITY Of A Thousand Dolls

By Miriam Forster.

The Lonely ghost
By: Diana Harlie Halbrick

There was a young girl who had died
and now in a tomb she resides
but once a full moon
her ghost comes at noon
and plays with her friends at her side

years passed and she never moved on
her friends long forgotten and gone
her friends have long died
no more at her side
her lonely routine must go on

although I do not know her name
she comes as she goes as she came
at every full moon midday in the noon
her ghost plays the loneliest games

I saw her at noon in the rain
Playing her lonely little game
She looked so alone
I could not but go
And ask her if only her name

The Lonely ghost
By: Diana Harlie Halbrick

There was a young girl who had died
and now in a tomb she resides
but once a full moon
her ghost comes at noon
and plays with her friends at her side

years passed and she never moved on
her friends long forgotten and gone
her friends have long died
no more at her side
her lonely routine must go on

although I do not know her name
she comes as she goes as she came
at every full moon midday in the noon
her ghost plays the loneliest games

I saw her at noon in the rain
Playing her lonely little game
She looked so alone
I could not but go
And ask her if only her name

The lonely ghost
By: Diana Harlie Halbrick
This poem I just read to u is a limerick about a lonely ghost it's very interesting it tell about how a ghost that always come out to play once in a full moon. years have passed and now she alone no one to play with her friends have passed one and left. In my opinion this poem matches my theme well because u can't see ghost,hear ghost,or talk to ghosts. the Arthur of this limerick made it kinda sad because the ghost was left alone and sad because she had no one to play with.


By: Diana Harlie Halbrick

The unicorn
By:Shell Silverstein

A long time ago, when the Earth was green
There was more kinds of animals than you've ever seen
They'd run around free while the Earth was being born
And the loveliest of all was the unicorn.

The unicorn
By:Shel Silverstein

This poem is by Shel Silverstein she talks about how very long ago that there was more animals then we've ever seen. In think her poem just tell us how long ago unicorns existed even though we don't believe in them. she said it like she believed there was a such thing as unicorns. I picked this poem because I like horses and unicorns remind me of the time I ride a horse that looked a lot like one when I was just a little kid.

THE Unicorn

Photo by Woody Thrower

I'D Love to be a fairy's child
By :Robert Graves

Children born of fairy stock
Never need for shirt or frock,
Never want for food or fire,
Always get their hearts desire:
Jingle pockets full of gold,
Marry when they're seven years old.
Every fairy child may keep
Two ponies and ten sheep;
All have houses, each his own,
Built of brick or granite stone;
They live on cherries, they run wild--
I'd love to be a Fairy's child.

I'D love to be a fairy's child
By: Robert Graves

This poem is by Robert graves his poem is a rhyming poem. He tells how fairies live,what fairies do,and what fairies live in. I like his poem because the fairies gets to run wild just like he said in the poem ( they live on cherries, run wild ) I wish I was a fairy and at the same time I don't why because (1. I want to fly (2. I want to touch the sky and the reason I don't want to be a fairy is because they get married at a age of seven years old and we children need our freedom



Dream deferred
By: Langston Hughes

What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up
Like a raisin in the sun?

Or fester like a sore--
And then run?

Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.

Or does it explode?

Dream deferred
By: Langston Hughes

This poem is by Langston Hughes he writes about what happened to a dream that is deferred.In this poem he mostly uses simile to compare what would happen to a dream that's deferred.His poem is very interesting I like it because I'm a dreamer and I know other children are to.when he say does a dream stink like rotten meat? I think he mean is ur dreams usually weird or boring and to answer his question yes sometimes dreams stink like rotten meat.



A rosy fantasy
By: Jobenley Edouard

I like fantasies
They are rosy as can be
On a apple tree