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My slideshow

Published on Dec 25, 2015

How to make the worst slideshow imaginable.


My slideshow

My goal was to create the worst slideshow you could possibly imagine. Worse than that even. I wanted to show the world how very bad a slideshoe could be -- so bad that people would wsh the projector would break or that a fire drill would happen or that I would have an emergency attach of appendicitus (and no I didn't spell check that word either).

Therefore I do not have color in my slideshow.

You will also noted a conspicuous lack of pictures, images, graphics, or other visual effects. Those will come later, and like a token male at a bridal shower, they will not really be involved in a meaningful way.

Other ways to make sure your slideshow is as bad as it possibly can be:

Untitled Slide

  • Use a template
  • Forget to customize parts of your template (see above)
  • Make every slide look the same.
  • Vary the size and color of text as little as possible.
  • Use the same font in every slide.

Untitled Slide

  • And, of course, bore your viewer to death.

Untitled Slide

That was my token image.

It was supposed to resemble boredom.

Oh, and one more thing:

To have a really bad slideshow, you need to add a final slide that says:

the end.