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My Way Back Home

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Photo by DrPhotoMoto

I woke up this morning on my way to breakfast when...

My mom yelled at me and screamed "WHAT DID YOU DO". "I did nothing" I told her. But she did not listen.

Photo by criswa

My mom kept on yelling and yelled "Go fly away I won't even care". I was so mad and terrified and said with a scratchy "fine then", and flew away.

Photo by DrPhotoMoto

I just flew a little away and was going o go back to my family at night even though my mom thinks I will chicken out and go home right away. I don't even know why she yelled at me.

I am so confused and I am so lost too...

Photo by C. Vizzone

I went into a close by forest but I think I went to late in and now I am lost. It is night time now and I don't know my way home. What should I do...

Photo by kevin dooley

It is the next day and I am trying to find my way back home. I can see some butterflies but not my family.

Photo by morganglines

It is the next day and I am still trying to find my family.

Photo by Tribble_Fun

I see my family... I see my mom. I rushed so fast to my mom. I gave her a huge hug.

My mom said she was sorry and meant to yell at my sister because she was being SUPER BAD. But I am just happy that I am back home.

Photo by @Doug88888


😊😋BYE BYE!!!😋😊