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MYP Parent Presentation

MYP Introduction Presentation





life long learners
To be a international leading school and Anglican tradition.
Excellence and Achievement
Thriving & Belonging
Passion in and out…

Photo by Darkroom Daze

Middle Years Review

Pathway so far

2014 PYP decision
2016 PYP Commencement
May 2016 Senior Leadership completed 3 day MYP workshop
Sem 2 2016Middle School review

Undertaken in Semester 2, 2016
•Involved benchmarking our current Year 7-10 curriculum against the MYP standards and practices.
•Identified that benefits to our students would be gained through the emphasis on the IB Learner Profile
•Delivery of the Australian Curriculum would be enhanced by the alignment of our teaching and learning program with the rigorous approach of the MYP

June 2017 candidacy accepted

6 months to preload before commencing the MYP
Photo by Jake weirick


2017 - regular staff engagement. Mainly through the Monday Program.
As the school has been accepted for Candidacy we are now in the Candidacy phase.

2018 - Candidacy must be for 1 year most schools take 2 years.

Early 2019 Application for Authorisation as an IB World School
End 2019 CGS Authorisation approval as an IB World School

2019- 2024 Evaluation process - 5yrs


The Foundation for Young Australians is an Australian non-profit organisation committed to creating generational transformation by improving the learning outcomes and life opportunities of young Australians.
Photo by Linh_rOm


  • 4.3million Australians 12-26
  • Start work with a 24k debt
  • 31.5% youth unemployment
  • 4.7 yrs for their first fulltime job
  • 51% of 24 yr olds still at home
Millennials will have 17 jobs in 5 industries over their lifetime.
May never retire?
Photo by .aditya.


In addition, older people are leaving the workforce in larger numbers than young people can replace them. This is impacting on productivity and decreasing the income governments use to fund our quality of life and standard of living.

Changing work is therefore not just challenges for individual young people. It is a challenge for the nation.


  • Globalisation
  • Flexibility
  • Automation
Globalisation has already caused 1 in 10 jobs to be automated.

Flexibility- 1 in 3 Australians work in flexible jobs arrangement. 2 days as an Architect, freelance as a photographer, uber driver. This has many repercussions- uncertainty of tenure - home loans, etc
It's known as the Gig economy.

7 out of 10 Automative jobs at entry level accrue a hecs debt for a job that will be lost.

750 million students in the Asia Pacific region all competing in the same space.
Globalisation- A CGS students completion isn't other students in Victoria but the 750 million students in the Asia Pacific region.
Photo by MarcelaPalma

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High skill - Specific tertiary level jobs.
High touch - Enterprise skills

The ongoing rate of innovation and automation in our economy will persist. In Australia, some 40% of jobs are estimated to be highly affected by automation in the next 10 to 15 years.

The jobs of the future, or those jobs that are least likely to be automated, demand enterprise skills 70% more frequently than the jobs of the past. These findings suggest that the importance of enterprise skills will continue to grow.


Still the building blocks for a contemporary education.


  • Problem solving
  • Creativity
  • Critical thinking
  • Teamwork
  • Communications
  • Financial literacy
  • Digital literacy
  • Presentation skills
The terms used to describe these skills vary across diferent contexts: sometimes called generic, soft, transferable or 21st century skills. However, the meaning is clear: a set of skills and characteristics that enable young people to confront the challenges of change and navigate a complex future.

Enterprise skills are not just for entrepreneurs; they are skills that are required in many jobs. They have been found to be a powerful predictor of longterm job success. OECD recognised.

What are the top 4 enterprise skills in demand for early career jobs?

Photo by spelio

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Demand for enterprise skills for early career jobs 0-4 yrs experience

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• Wages are higher for job-seekers with enterprise skills: Key enterprise skills are highly rewarded. Compared with jobs that do not list these skills, jobs that request presentation skills paid an additional $8,853 per year, digital literacy an additional $8,648, problem solving an additional $7,745, financial literacy an additional $5,224 and creativity an additional $3,129. This pay premium reflects the value that employers place on these skills and their relative scarcity.

What is the world you want to create?

We need to stop asking our children.
"What do you want to be?" But
"What is the world you want to create?"

As educators we have a responsibility to give our students the wherewithal to create their future.
Photo by Philippe Put

A World Class Educational Framework

Given that many young people remain ill-equipped for what employers are demanding, we need to better promote these skills in our education and training systems.

As educators we have a responsibility to;

Reset the scene with curriculum
Rethink teaching methods
Develop teachers
Photo by familymwr

What does a quality learning program contain?


5 minutes - at tables list on Butchers paper.

Post around room.

Each table gives one idea.
Photo by sciencesque

Why the MYP?

Why the IB Middle Years Program (MYP)?

The MYP provides a world-class framework to deliver quality teaching and learning underpinned by a strong focus on Literacy and Numeracy.

CGS will continue to deliver the Australian Curriculum and this will now be contextualised through the global framework of the MYP.

The MYP is a framework for how learning areas work together to create a consistent language and integrated learning experience for our students.

CGS has been great as individuals but we have had inconsistent practice ......


  • Gold Standard Framework
  • Articulation
  • Alignment
  • Enterprise skills for future success
  • Rigourous standards and assessment procedures
  • Student engagement
World class framework

Common language
Alignment in all systems both vertically and horizontally

Students: Skills for success in further learning and life beyond

Schools: Rigorous standards and assessment procedures.


  • Enhanced FOCUS
  • Extra-curricular links
  • Leadership opportunities for staff
  • Redefine our systems - assessment, reporting, unit planing, digital delivery platform,etc
Teachers: Establishes a learning community of shared practice using a common language for teaching and Learning

Community: Collaboration and global perspective.

International Baccalaureate (IB) Mission
The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

International Baccalaureate (IB) Mission
The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.
These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

This is commensurate with our Mission, Vision and Values.
Photo by KKfromBB

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MYP is part of a suite of frameworks under the IB banner

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David Nolan to discuss.


  • Individuals & societies
  • Arts
  • Mathematics
  • Language acquisition
  • Language & literature
  • Physical & health education
  • Science
  • Design
IB stipulates at least 50 hours of teaching time for each subject group in each year of the programme.

Each year students will also engage in at least one collaboratively planned interdisciplinary unit that involves at least two subject groups.
Photo by @Doug88888

Conceptual understanding & student inquiry

The MYP is a conceptional driven curriculum

The International Baccalaureate (IB) values education more as the transformation of personal understanding and the collaborative construction of meaning, and less as the transmission of knowledge and rote memorization of facts. Consequently, conceptual understanding is a significant and enduring goal for teaching and learning in IB programmes.

IB programmes offer curriculum frameworks and courses that are broad and balanced, conceptual and connected. Over time, students grow in the sophistication of their understanding as schools create challenging opportunities for them to encounter new ideas in engaging learning environments.

A concept is a big idea—a principle that is enduring, the significance of which goes beyond aspects such as particular origins, subject matter or place in time. Concepts represent the vehicle for students’ inquiry into issues and ideas of personal, local and global significance, providing the means by which the essence of a subject can be explored.


At your table
Question & Answer


At the heart of the MYP framework
Photo by acearchie

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Activity - Staff to rank themselves from 1-10.
Worksheet provided.


Question & Answer
Photo by mbtrama

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Photo by Mrs4duh

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Photo by John-Morgan

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Photo by gagstreet

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Photo by overgraeme

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Photo by 55Laney69

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Photo by Andreas.

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Photo by {Lina}